10 Food Tips To Reduce Pain In The Knees

If we are used to suffering from pain in the knees, it is essential to review our diet, because there are certain foods that can make ailments worse, and others that can improve them.

The knee is a joint that includes bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fluids.

Tendons and muscles are those that allow movement and the ability to bend when walking, jumping, etc. When one of these structures ignites, ruptures or injures itself in some way, the problems of pain in the knees arise.

Some information on knee pain

These discomforts can cause limits in the performance of your daily activities such as sports, weight training or even walking.

Knee problems can happen at any age. This is because these discomforts are not directly related to years or to bone or muscle weakness.

What is important is to seek medical help when the discomfort appears so that they are studied in depth and treated in time. In this way you will avoid the major complications that can lead you to the surgeon.

In addition to going to see your doctor, you can enjoy the benefits of certain foods to reduce knee pain in a natural way.

1. Eliminate junk food from your diet as quickly as possible

Knees and junk food.

Junk food is one of the biggest enemies of the health of your knees.

These products contain excess fat, cholesterol and salt, which causes more inflammation in the joints, including the knees.

If you’re one of those people who doesn’t have time to cook or eat at home, try bringing healthy options like smoothies or salads with you. You may find it difficult for the first few days, but over time and the benefits you will adapt quickly.

Another good option is to go to an establishment where they prepare balanced meals. In almost all places you can find restaurants with good prices and good food.

2. Eat more eggs

Eggs contain the nutrients needed to protect the joints and reduce knee pain.

There are many options for adding it to our diet, making them perfect for trying out new things in the kitchen.

3. Include fish regularly in your diet

By eating fish three times a week you will begin to see its anti-inflammatory benefits.

In just a few weeks you will feel your knee pain drastically decrease, especially when the joints are inflamed.

There is a wide variety of fish out there, so it won’t be difficult for you to find one that suits your purse and palate.

4. Drink whey

It is recommended to drink it once a day to reduce knee pain. Its beneficial action comes from the nutrients that calcium brings us above all.

It not only decreases discomfort, but it also helps keep your bones healthy and delays discomfort.

5. Add turmeric to your diet

It is a spice rich in antioxidants and with anti-inflammatory properties widely known in the East and now in the West. Its consumption is increasingly recommended, for example by:

  • Salads
  • Mixed with milk
  • In vegetable seasoning
  • In juice

6. Banana

Among the many nutrients contained in this fruit are potassium and magnesium. These minerals help improve bone health and gradually reduce pain in the knees.

7. Tofu

Tofu for the knees.

Also known as soy cheese, you can eat as much as you want. However, be careful not to consume raw tofu as it can cause digestion problems.

  • Tofu is rich in calcium which is why it helps improve the health of our bones and reduce pain in knees and other joints.

8. Beans

Beans contain a large amount of protein which is beneficial in relieving knee pain.

It is recommended to consume it several times a week as a source of protein and to regenerate ligaments and muscles in the joints.

If you have diabetes, be careful with the amount of beans because if you consume more than one cup per day they can increase your glucose level.

9. Olive oil

This oil helps reduce knee pain. It is good to use it daily because it is rich in healthy fats that the body needs to function properly.

To take advantage of all the benefits of olive oil, we recommend that you consume it raw, or even slightly heated, as it can end up being harmful.

10. Avocado core

Avocado for the knees.

The majority of us use the flesh of the avocado and discard the pit. From now on, instead of throwing it away, take the opportunity to reduce pain in the joints.


  • 1 avocado stone
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Grate the avocado kernel and mix it until you get a powder.
  • Heat the honey and mix it with the powder to obtain a paste.
  • Make sure the mixture is hot but not burning, and apply it to your knees for pain relief.

As you can see, if your knees are hurting you, you have no reason to put up with this problem. Try these foods and you will see that in just a few days the discomfort will diminish.

It is also important to see your doctor as soon as possible. Even if the discomfort goes away, you should still go to a specialist to assess the causes of their appearance.

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