10 Reasons Why Red Wine Is Good For You

Whenever we consume red wine responsibly, it can help us protect our heart health, prevent obesity and even to improve depressive states.

Red wine is an alcoholic beverage that has been part of hundreds of cultures around the world for centuries.

It is often consumed during celebrations or for special occasions, although many prefer to drink it with their lunches or dinners.

In recent years it has become more and more popular, not only because it is delicious but also because of  its many nutritional properties which are highly valued as health supplements.

Although it should not be consumed excessively, it is nonetheless an excellent source of antioxidants that provides many benefits to the body.

Its main active ingredient, resveratrol, reduces the risk of cellular aging and other negative effects caused by free radicals in the environment.

In addition, it provides vitamins and minerals which, after assimilation, strengthen the proper functioning of the main body systems.

For this reason, we detail in this article the 10 good reasons to drink red wine in a moderate way without feeling remorse.

1. Red wine prevents obesity

Red wine against obesity.

The antioxidants in red wine have the ability to activate the function of a gene that prevents the formation of new fat cells.

Currently, in addition to its depurative power, it reduces the risk of obesity and enhances fat loss in overweight patients.

2. It eliminates oral bacteria

Consuming a small glass of red wine a day can be decisive in preventing tooth and gum disease.

  • Thanks to its antimicrobial properties it holds the growth of bacteria such as streptococci. Linked to cavities and gingivitis.
  • At the same time, it is ideal for neutralizing bad breath. And other symptoms derived from infections.

3. Red wine improves cognitive functions

Resveratrol and other antioxidant compounds in red wine are beneficial for brain health.

Its absorption balances the inflammatory processes of the body and reduces the risk of arterial hardening. This is essential to have optimal oxygenation of the brain.

  • A small glass of wine a day is enough to decrease the risk of dementia and early tissue erosion.

4. It protects the skin from the sun

The flavonoids in this healthy drink are helpful in protecting the skin from the negative effects caused by UV rays from the sun.

  • These antioxidants protect cells from attack and reduce the risk of suffering from burns and irreversible skin damage.

5. Red wine prevents depression

Red wine for depression.

Consuming 3 or 4 glasses of red wine per week can help stimulate hormone production. Such as endorphins and serotonin, both associated with well-being and happiness.

Its antioxidants decrease the segregation of cortisol and improve the state of mind in the face of stress and depression.

6. It prevents premature aging

The antioxidant effects of the vitamins and minerals contained in this drink are a great help in protecting the organs against the deterioration caused by the premature aging of the cells.

  • These substances minimize the action of free radicals and reduce the risk of inflammatory disorders.

7. Red wine improves respiratory health

Red wine for the lungs.

Resveratrol, the active antioxidant in red wine, has the ability to protect the respiratory tracts against nuisances caused by toxins and chemical agents in the environment.

  • Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties facilitate decongestion and reduce the risk of cell damage.
  • This means that in small doses it is a great ally in preventing the formation of malignant tumors in the lungs.

8. It protects the heart

One glass of wine a day for women and two for men can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems. Associated with bad cholesterol (LDL) and hypertension.

  • Its antioxidant action decreases the oxidation of lipids in the arteries. And protects their elasticity to obtain an optimum passage of the blood.

9. Red wine fights fatigue

Red wine against fatigue.

Another of the great virtues of this drink is that it can help give a breath of energy to the body in times of fatigue or overwork.

  • Its nutritional properties improve cellular activity and help maintain better physical and mental performance.

10. Red wine controls urinary tract infections

Through its diuretic action and antioxidant properties, red wine can help reduce the growth of bacteria that affect the urinary tract.

Its astringent action improves bladder health. And optimizes the elimination of waste and microorganisms that accumulate in these conduits.

Did you know all these benefits of red wine? Now that you know how beneficial it is for your body, feel free to include it in your diet in moderation.

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