10 Utensils In Your Home That Have An Expiration Date

We know that food has an expiration date. However, sometimes we are unaware that there are many utensils of regular use which also deserve to be replaced from time to time for reasons of hygiene and safety.

Did you know that there are utensils in your home that expire after a certain period of use? Although they do not have a specific time period indicated as for food, they have a cycle of use and must be replaced at the end of this cycle for reasons of hygiene and health.

Although sometimes we ignore it, some of these objects can be a hotbed for dust mites, fungi and other microorganisms that can affect the health of our bodies. In addition, their materials deteriorate and their functions are no longer as efficient.

10 utensils in your home that have an expiration date

For this reason, it is essential to identify them and find an alternative to replace them as quickly as possible. Thus, by giving them responsible use, inconveniences such as allergies or fungal infections will be avoided. Do you know what these utensils are?

1. Pillows

household items that need to be changed regularly: pillows

Pillows are essential for a good rest. However, to keep them in good condition, it is best to replace them at least every two years. Although they appear to be in good condition, their materials are deteriorating.

In addition, since they accumulate sweat residue and dead cells, they can be the ideal place for the growth of mites and bacteria. In fact, the ideal is to wash them regularly so that they do not have a negative effect on your health.

2. Slippers

Many people prefer to wear slippers because they provide a pleasant feeling of relaxation. However, regardless of your good hygiene habits, these are also household utensils with an expiration date.

This type of shoe is made with materials that promote a humid and warm environment for the growth of fungi. Therefore, using them for more than six months may increase the risk of foot infections.

3. Towels

Although they are directly involved in hygiene habits, towels should be changed from time to time. Although they only dry out the skin, they accumulate unhealthy fungi and bacteria in their tissues.

It is true that they can be washed regularly with disinfectants to avoid any risk. But since their materials deteriorate with every wash, it’s best to replace them with new ones every year or two.

4. Toothbrush

household utensils to change regularly: toothbrushes

For obvious reasons, you should know that toothbrushes are household utensils that you need to replace on a regular basis. Although they sometimes remain in good condition after several months of use, it is best to throw them out and use new ones.

If kept for more than three months, the risk of oral infections increases. Indeed, their bristles are damaged and no longer fulfill the function of removing residues from the teeth. In addition, they accumulate more bacteria and fungi that can affect these problems.

5. Combs and brushes

Maintaining combs and brushes is one of the most overlooked chores around the house. Most worrying is that they are usually a hotbed of bacteria and fungi that can adversely affect the health of the scalp and hair as a whole.

In order for these utensils in your home to be no problem, it is best to wash them weekly in hot water. Likewise, it is beneficial to change them every year so that their deteriorated materials do not damage the hair.

6. Bath sponges

Sponges, or any item in contact with the body, should be changed at least every three months. While it may not be noticed at first glance, it is one of the things that usually builds up the most fungi and bacteria that affect the skin.

7. Kitchen towels and sponges

Kitchen towels and sponges have a short lifespan. Although their materials do not always deteriorate quickly, they are a significant source of bacteria that can cause contamination. It is advisable to change them once a month.

8. Bottle

Bottle latex should not be used for more than 5 weeks. Regardless of how often they are used and how they look, they accumulate harmful microbes. Latex cracks and, upon contact with air and moisture, becomes contaminated.

9. Running shoes

The condition of running shoes may vary depending on their specific use. But when they exceed 500 km of use, their materials deteriorate and lose their ability to cushion the race. Therefore, using them for more than a year poses a risk to the joints.

10. Elastics

This essential accessory for women can be used for one or two years, depending on the materials with which it is made. After this time has elapsed, most of them lose their elasticity and shape, which produces discomfort when using them.

How long do you use these utensils at home? If you use them for longer than recommended, consider replacing them with others that will be in perfect condition.

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