4 Signs Of Potassium Deficiency

Cramping or continued lack of energy can be indicators of potassium deficiency. Include foods that contain it in your diet to avoid serious health problems.

Decompensation of potassium levels can affect the nerves and their communication with our muscle cells in the digestive system, heart, and other muscles.

Most of the potassium in the body is found in cells.

A balanced diet keeps potassium levels stable in the blood.

If your diet is severely limited, you choose unhealthy foods, and your diet is unbalanced, you will be deficient in potassium.

But how do you know if you have potassium deficiency? Here we will give you the clear signs.

Take careful note!

1. You feel tired and fragile 

The first symptoms of potassium deficiency can be muscle pain, cramps, and abnormal weakness.

This fragility not only affects the arms or legs, but also the respiratory and gastrointestinal muscles.

Low potassium levels prevent muscle cells from quickly recharging for energy. The muscles then have trouble contracting.

Brittleness, muscle spasms, and a tingling or numb sensation in the muscles may indicate that the potassium deficiency is getting worse.

If you have these symptoms, we recommend that you see a doctor immediately for examination.

2. You have irregular heartbeats

Lack of potassium for a long time can affect the heart and affect its normal functioning.

The first symptom is irregular heartbeats with no apparent cause.

It is normal for them to appear if you run too much and are not used to it. But it is not normal if they appear when you are in your usual pace and routine.

If you suffer from potassium deficiency for a long time, you may suffer from structural and functional changes in the kidneys.

Lack of potassium can also slow down your heart rate and cause nausea.

There are several types of arrhythmia. Some make the heart beat too quickly, while others slow it down. In the most severe cases, there may be skipping beats.

All types of arrhythmia can cause different symptoms, ranging from nausea to fainting.

An irregular heartbeat due to any cause can be accompanied by shortness of breath, chest pain, and sweating. 

Fatigue and potassium deficiency.

3. High blood pressure

There are many factors that influence blood pressure. We find family history, overweight and overconsumption of salt. A potassium deficiency is also decisive.

Excess and lack can generate pressure changes.

According to several scientific studies, eating too many salty foods and few fruits and vegetables contributes to increase hypertension.

4. Cramps

The activity and relaxation of the muscles depends on potassium. This relaxation can be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the type of muscle that is working.

When there is a deficit, the muscle remains contracted and causes cramps. If painful muscle spasms in the legs are usual with you, it could be due to a lack of potassium.

It is also very common among athletes who train a lot. If this is your case, take a drink rich in electrolytes and potassium from time to time.

Foods rich in potassium

When we talk about potassium, we think of the banana, which is an excellent source. But this is of course not the only food.

Among the options that will help you overcome this deficiency, we find:

Foods rich in potassium.

The cards

This vegetable is very easy to grow at home. 100 grams of chard provide 380 mg of potassium. You can consume it in salads or smoothies.

The banana

It is well known that bananas are rich in potassium: there are 370 mg of it in 100 grams of pulp.

Remember that if you have diabetes, you should not consume this fruit too often.


If you are a fan of mashed potatoes, surely you don’t have any deficiencies.

  • 100 grams of potatoes provide 418 mg of potassium.
  • To get the most out of this mineral, it is advisable to consume them in the oven, grill or steamed.
  • Avoid fried potatoes at all costs.

Head cabbage

This is another seasonal vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family and provides 450 mg of potassium in 100 grams.

Our favorite dishes for this vegetable are salads or baked dishes.


This food provides 487 mg of potassium per 100 grams. Enjoy it in a cold sauce, in a salad or in a sandwich.


Spinach are seasonal vegetables that can be eaten in many different dishes and which provide 554 mg of potassium per 100 grams.

You will surely never suffer from impairments if you eat these foods regularly and follow a healthy diet.

Remember this nutrient as it plays a fundamental role in many functions of the body.

Now that you have a list of the best foods that contain them, incorporate them into your diet every day.

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