4 Tips For Healthy, Soft Skin

Exfoliate, cleanse, tone and hydrate your skin. These four actions are very easy to put into practice and will help you significantly improve your skin health.

Having healthy, soft skin doesn’t require a lot of sacrifice. On the other hand, it requires perseverance from us.

For example, we all know that removing makeup every night is essential. Removing make-up once or twice a week is useless: the pores of our skin become blocked, our skin does not breathe and imperfections appear.

If you want to have beautiful skin, you need to take care of it every day, without any excuse! There are many people who, through laziness, fail to follow a beauty routine and therefore keep their skin healthy and soft.

Discover here in more detail the four essential actions to keep young skin for longer. Take notes !

1. Healthy and soft skin: exfoliate your skin

woman using exfoliator for healthy soft skin

You might be used to cleaning your skin, but are you thinking about exfoliating it? Maybe you don’t, because you haven’t found the right product yet.

Exfoliating the skin is an essential step: you must exfoliate your skin at least every fortnight. This action helps eliminate dead cells, unify the skin and make it softer.

There is no need to buy a specific product to exfoliate your skin: you can very well make your own homemade exfoliating product. There are three options available to you.

  • Exfoliating product: you will find exfoliants in any supermarket. These exfoliants cleanse the skin while exfoliating it with small grains. There are exfoliators for all skin types.
  • Homemade  exfoliant : You can make your own homemade exfoliant by mixing, for example, sugar and honey. You will thus obtain a completely natural product that will provide you with all the benefits of an exfoliant.
  • Exfoliating brush:  there are suitable exfoliating brushes for the face. If you opt for an exfoliating brush, you won’t need to buy any product – your regular facial cleanser will do just fine.

2. Healthy and soft skin: don’t forget to cleanse your skin

One thing you should never do: go to bed without cleaning your skin. If, at the idea of ​​cleaning your skin day and night, you get laziness, we advise you to do it at least once a day, preferably in the evening.

We need to clean our skin every day, especially if we put on sunscreen, if we put on makeup and if we tend to touch our faces. Proper cleansing will help keep your skin clean and soft.

Use a gentle product: a foaming product, a cleansing gel or even a cream. If you have sensitive skin, you can use micellar water.

3. Healthy and soft skin: use a tonic lotion

woman applying tonic lotion to have healthy and soft skin

We tend to think that applying a tonic lotion is a step we can do without. However, this is a mistake.

The tonic lotion refreshes our skin, calms it after cleansing, unifies it and prepares it for the next beauty treatment it will receive.

In addition, the tonic lotion tightens our pores, a not insignificant feature: when the pores are tightened, they do not accumulate dirt and thus we prevent the appearance of blackheads, which are very difficult to remove.

As with the exfoliant, it is also possible to make your own tonic lotion.

4. Healthy and soft skin: always hydrate your skin

After cleaning your skin and applying a tonic lotion, all you have to do is moisturize it if you want it to be healthy and soft,

This advice is also valid for oily skin: the skin always needs to be hydrated. This makes it possible in particular to push back the appearance of expression lines and to have a luminous skin.

Again, there are several options available to you.

  • Oil. Some people use a treatment oil before applying a cream. These oils are generally used for specific purposes: to reduce dark spots, eliminate wrinkles, provide luminosity, etc. These oils do not grease the skin.
  • The moisturizer. Whether or not you applied an oil, you can’t skip this step: the cream helps keep the skin moist. Choose a cream suited to your skin type. If you have oily skin, do not apply a cream for dry skin for example, otherwise you will shine brightly.
  • Sun cream. In summer as in winter and as at all times of the year, it is important to put on sunscreen. Nowadays, there are many light creams: they do not weigh heavily on the skin and do not make it shine.

Are you already following the four tips we just gave you? Which of these tips is hard for you to follow?

We encourage you to persevere for at least twenty days, enough time to turn a new gesture into a habit. Your skin will be more and more radiant day after day!

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