4 Types Of Intellectually Gifted

Very often, the type of intellectual “gifted” corresponds to the environment in which we grow up, because it depends on the resources that the intellectually gifted have at their disposal to develop it. appropriate way.

The intellectually gifted are smarter than average; in fact, their IQ is over 130, which is quite remarkable.

However, although we know what intellectual giftedness is, we do not know the different types that exist.

There are 4 different ways to be intellectually gifted. In this article, we’ll take a look at each of them to see their differences.

1. The gifted creative intellectuals


This type of intellectual gift refers to children whose originality and imagination surprise all their environment, especially teachers.

  • Intellectually gifted children are very creative.

However, if there is one thing that characterizes them, it is their great sense of humor and their predisposition to any type of activity related to gambling.

  • They love anything that allows them to learn in a fun and creative way.

Currently, it is difficult to identify this type of donation, because the IQ tests used so far are not suitable for recognizing it. However, there is a specific test for this, the Torrance Test of Creative Thinking.

2. Privileged giftedness

We call this type of intellectual gift “privileged” because the people who have it experience it in a context in which they can access education. While belonging to a middle or even upper class.

  • Access to education on a compulsory basis and because the State requires it, is a problem for many young people who do not benefit from the established educational model.
  • However, gifted young people who fall into this category can benefit from it.

They see teaching as a pleasure. In addition, all subjects are very well taught. They also tend to be very productive, as they generally sleep less than others.

The problem they have is that they can sometimes see themselves as superior to their classmates or get bored in class because everything is easy for them. It can make them lazy.

3. Gifted children with scarce resources

the gifted creative intellectuals

By “gifted with scarce resources”, we mean all those young people who do not have the necessary financial resources and who are very afraid of failure because of this reality.

What is good about people who have this intellectual gift is that they are often humble, pleasant, and have a healthy relationship with others.

Their gift sometimes leads them to become leaders without ever feeling superior to others , thus becoming a role model.

These intellectually gifted people are very sensitive and empathetic towards others. Maybe that’s why they get along so well with others.

However, there are times when they feel guilty for having abilities superior to those of their peers.

4. The gifted with severe mental disorders

aggressive child

From this last group of intellectually gifted we will choose a type that includes not only a high IQ, but also a severe disorder.

For example, schizophrenia, personality disorders or psychosis are among the most common symptoms that often accompany this gift.

What is curious about the members of this group is that they take refuge intellectually in an attempt to escape this confusing and overwhelming mess.

They act like people who when they are anxious eat, even when they are not hungry, to escape that feeling.

Sometimes they can act aggressively and unexpectedly. In addition, they become uncompromising with regard to certain behaviors on the part of others.

For example, classmates who do not attend class or who do activities in another subject.

Giftedness is often seen as a very exceptional quality, but it sometimes causes many problems for people who have it.

Their relationship to the world is very different from others. It doesn’t matter if it’s some kind of donation or whatever. Each has its own particularities, problems, advantages and disadvantages.

Have you ever had to deal with one or more gifted intellectuals within your own family? Do you recognize any of the above types?

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