5 Foods That Reduce The Urge To Eat Sweet

In addition to helping us calm anxiety, honey-cinnamon mixture is an excellent remedy for beauty, because it eliminates the signs of age.

One of the most common causes of being overweight is the impulsive urge to eat sweet,  which causes us to uncontrollably eat all types of unhealthy foods that are high in sugar, flours, and low-quality fats.

These foods, which for the most part do not provide nutrients to our body, are quickly transformed into reserves, and make the areas where each of us has an easier time accumulating fat to grow fat.

In this article, we are going to introduce you to some of the foods that have the main property of minimizing this impulsive urge to eat cakes, which can be linked to imbalances in blood glucose levels. 

Eat healthy sweet

The secret to the foods we are going to tell you about in this article is that they are all sweetened naturally. Some because of their content in healthy sugars, and others because of their content of other types of sweet nutrients, but ultimately they all have the capacity to satisfy the need for sugar.

Glucose levels are constantly changing, which can cause cravings for sweet foods that we counteract.


This surprising spice, which is used in the natural treatment of type 2 diabetes, reduces blood sugar levels and delays stomach emptying, which reduces the sugar spikes that often occur after meals. . These spikes are what causes our cravings to eat sweet after meals.

How to consume it?

Cinnamon can be used in many ways. For example Ceylon cinnamon which is the most beneficial, can be eaten in the following dishes:

  • In all types of desserts: cakes, custards, ice cream, etc.
  • In infusion, after meals.
  • Mixed with honey, on an empty stomach.

Cinnamon to avoid eating sweet.


Squash is rich in carbohydrates but its high fiber content means that they are gradually absorbed, which helps to maintain balanced and constant levels of sugar in the blood. 

It is important to point out that people who abuse cakes tend to have intestinal parasites, even if they are not aware of it. These parasites contribute even more to the compulsion towards sweet products, because they feed on them.

That is why we recommend that you consume pumpkin seeds, which are one of the oldest remedies to fight and eliminate them.

How to consume it?

Although we usually eat it cooked, we can also eat it raw, grated in a salad. Conversely, if you cook it, the squash is delicious in cream form.

Thanks to its strong sweetening power, you can cut it into thin strips as if it were a carpaccio and put it in the oven with a little cinnamon. This recipe is delicious for dessert.

Soup so as not to eat sweet.

The carrot

Carrots also contain complex carbohydrates that need to be digested to turn into sugar. Similar to squash, they absorb gradually and do not produce sugar spikes.

How to consume it?

It should preferably be eaten raw. The most effective way, if you have a blender, is in the form of juice, for example mixed with an apple.

You can also grate it and add it to all types of dishes in a side dish, salad, soup or even a sandwich.

Sweet potato

There are many types of sweet potatoes and they all have a slightly sweet taste in common. Sweet potato is rich in natural sugars, but this should not alarm you because this sugar content is offset by its high fiber content.

Specifically, the type of fiber in sweet potatoes is pectin, which slows down the absorption of sugars.

How to consume it?

The sweet potato brings a great feeling of satiety. But we advise you not to eat it from the afternoon. The best times are in the morning or at lunch. It is possible to cook it in the oven or in water, in the same way as the classic potato.


This plant, native to Paraguay, has become popular as a natural sweetener thanks to its multiple benefits. Among which have found the property of regulating blood sugar levels. In the same way as cinnamon.

In addition, since it contains zero calories, it is therefore perfect to fight against cravings for sweets. Thanks to the incredible sweetening power of this plant, you will no longer need to eat other sugars.

How to consume it?

Stevia allows us to sweeten infusions, lemonades and drinks in a natural way.

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