5 Recipes To Detoxify The Liver

The liver is responsible for detoxifying your body of all the impurities and toxins you eat, such as alcohol and fried foods.

To detoxify the liver and avoid serious health problems, it is necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet, in which we can include juices from time to time.

The liver is an extremely important organ. It not only protects against toxins and also has a great capacity to regenerate. However, just because it has this ability doesn’t mean you can damage it without worrying about it.

In fact, it is quite the opposite. The best thing to do is to take care of it by eating a healthy diet without the toxins that give it too much work.

To cleanse the liver, there are various options. We have gathered here the most effective and natural. This way you can enjoy what nature has to offer while saving money.

1. Grapefruit, lemon and orange juice

Grapefruit, lemon and orange juice to detoxify the liver

Thanks to their antioxidant properties, they are the favorites to eliminate toxins and fats from our body, in addition to helping the colon and the liver.

They also strengthen the immune system and promote good health. The combination of these three fruits produces a super juice that helps detoxify the liver.


  • 2 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 grapefruit (pink or yellow)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)


  • Using a knife, completely remove the skin from the fruit then remove the seeds.
  • Place all the ingredients in the blender. If you wish you can also add a little water or ice.
  • Mix until you obtain a homogeneous juice.

It is recommended to drink this juice in the morning freshly made. If it’s too acidic for you, you can also add some green vegetables.

2. Beet and lemon juice

Beetroot is rich in antioxidants thanks to the betalains it contains, which is the substance that gives it that purple color.

Beet promotes the elimination of heavy metals from our body. It thus helps us to prevent diseases such as liver cancer. This combined with the benefits we know from lemon, gives us a powerful juice to detoxify the liver.


  • 1 large beet
  • The juice of one large lemon or two small ones


  • Wash the beet, remove the skin and slice it.
  • Then squeeze the lemon.
  • Put everything in the blender then mix.

We recommend that you drink this juice as soon as you have done so to prevent it losing its properties.

3. Orange and ginger juice

Orange and ginger juice to detoxify the liver

This juice combines the antioxidant properties of orange with the properties of ginger. The latter helps to improve everything related to digestion and has anti-inflammatory qualities.

The combination of flavors results in a delicious tasting drink. The result will be a refreshing juice serving to detoxify the liver without remorse.


  • 1 large orange or 2 small
  • 1 teaspoon of freshly grated ginger (5 g)


  • Take the orange, peel it and remove the seeds.
  • Place the orange and ginger in the blender and blend.

We recommend that you drink this juice 3 nights in a row. But if you want to see more effects, you can consume it for 7 nights in a row.

4. Dandelion, apple, garlic, ginger and onion juice

This effective and powerful juice is excellent for cleaning the liver and purifying all toxins that cannot be expelled on their own. Dandelion supplies the liver with the enzymes it needs to do its job.

In addition, this drink is diuretic. This prevents water retention, reduces abdominal inflammation, decreases monthly swelling and is excellent for the skin. It’s all in one.


  • 1 handful of fresh dandelion
  • 1 cup of water
  • 4 apples
  • 2 small cloves of garlic
  • 1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger (10 g)
  • 1 onion ring


  • First, infuse the dandelion with water.
  • Peel and slice the apple and garlic.
  • Place all the ingredients in the blender then mix them until you obtain a juice without lumps.
  • Enjoy this great juice.

5. Grapefruit, garlic and ginger juice

Grapefruit, garlic and ginger juice to detoxify the liver

Grapefruit is an excellent fruit for eliminating toxins and a great ally for the health of our liver.

Combining the benefits of ginger and garlic allows us to obtain the perfect juice to cleanse the liver.


  • The juice of 2 grapefruits
  • The juice of 4 lemons
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 slice of ginger
  • 1 1/2 glass of water (300 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (32 g)


  • In a glass, squeeze the grapefruits and lemons.
  • Grate the ginger.
  • Introduce the squeezed juices with the rest of the ingredients into the blender, then mix.

Detoxifying the liver doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult

All of these juices are great for helping cleanse your liver. However, you should know that no extreme is good. Also it is recommended to consume these juices only for 3 or 7 days in a row maximum and then to stop afterwards.

If you have any trouble in the area of ​​your liver, your best bet is to go see your doctor to have you examined and given some routine examinations.

It is also important to eat a healthy diet, as juices alone do not solve the problem alone.

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