5 Types Of Emotional Blackmail That Affect Your Health

Today we are going to explain to you what are the five most common types of emotional blackmail that can affect your health and how you can successfully overcome them.

There are many ways to harm the other to get what you want. In other words, blackmail is an action that commits the other to give you satisfaction. Therefore, very often some people do not hesitate to use different types of emotional blackmail to get what they want.

When this tendency increases, the affected person often feels manipulated. It should be noted that emotional blackmail can come from any person, in the family, between spouses, with children, colleagues, friends, etc.

However, this behavior tends to occur more frequently in environments where there is some competition. Most often this happens in the work environment.

Here is a list of the 5 different  most common types of emotional blackmail that you can suffer in your life that can affect your health and well-being.

Discover the 5 most common types of emotional blackmail and learn how to overcome them.

1. The sentence or the guilt

It is one of the most common emotional blackmail. The manipulator becomes the victim to provoke a feeling of pain in others. It doesn’t make sense, but it is common practice. It is very common for the blackmailer to behave as if he is punishing himself.

He manages to make others believe that he feels the same pain and suffering as them. In this way, the people concerned around him grieve and accede to his wishes.

This situation can arise in the context of work, family and often in the relationship of the couple. The feeling of grief or guilt causes worry and anxiety and affects our health, which undermines our defenses.

2. Gaslighting

Another of the most common emotional blackmail comes from the world of cinema. It is about this blackmail in which a person makes another person believe that he is not well and that he should consult a psychologist.

This technique makes the affected person weak and full of doubts. This is the perfect scenario to be able to act the way you want and manipulate the other person.

The danger of this type of manipulation is that it is very difficult to detect, especially since it is always a person who is very close to you. In most cases, this is your partner. You can even do this without being fully aware and in a non-premeditated way.

The e gaslighting is to doubt the other person’s own perception of reality. The result is that the affected person will doubt everything. Sentences like: “it wasn’t me, you must have done it yourself”, “I never mentioned such a thing”.

It is a way of devaluing judgment, to the point of making the other person doubt themselves. This causes great disorientation, great frustration and also affects mental health.

3. Denial of problems

People who refuse to face problems cause great tension in those around them. And the more time passes, the more the tension increases.

Therefore, if you feel that it is time to tackle certain topics, you must do so. Don’t leave this for later. Also, don’t let the manipulator avoid facing problems or bringing a situation to an end.

There is an expression in the figurative sense commonly used to refer to obvious problems that one does not want to face. These are real problems, but they are avoided as if they did not exist.

It is said that there is an “elephant in the room” or that one “hides the sun with a finger”, because both are impossible. You cannot ignore the elephant or hide the sun.

4. Overprotectionemotional blackmail

This is a very common situation in couple relationships as well as in parents’ relationships with children. In this type of blackmail, one person becomes the protector of the other.

At some point it’s natural, but when it comes to overprotection it’s different. This type of behavior can cause a situation that affects and makes the other person unhappy.

This type of blackmail is difficult to perceive at first glance, as it is often based on alleged good intentions. This attitude can also cause an emotionally dependent relationship.

Indeed, very often, this relationship reaches a point where the victim no longer has control over his decisions or his own life. In these cases, overprotection will cause a totally toxic relationship on all levels. This will usually result in the gradual control of one person over another.

5. Victimism

Victimism is a very common behavior that some people use to solve their problems and needs. This attitude can hurt other people who feel concerned. It is a form of manipulation or blackmail that prompts others to try and help the manipulator to solve his problems.

It’s a very subtle way of controlling others. The strangest thing is that the manipulator can really feel like a victim. Moreover, very often, he will not change his attitude because that is his way of attracting the attention of others. This person will always find a way to be the victim who needs help.

The fundamental problem with this blackmail is that it is normally very subtle. In addition, the operator considers that the situation is normal because it meets basic needs.

In this way, he gets the solution to his problems and needs from other people. Therefore, this behavior constitutes a certain type of violence which should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

As you may have seen, emotional blackmail can happen in many different ways and in many situations.

Your responsibility is to know how to identify these emotional blackouts. This will be the only way to avoid them so that they do not harm your well-being. Remember that your health is the first and foremost thing you should take care of, so take care of yourself and don’t let yourself be manipulated.

Do you often feel tired? Anxious? You may need to learn some techniques in order to detoxify yourself emotionally. Sometimes we don’t process our emotions well and instead of letting them go, we hold them back.

Emotions work in a process of loading and unloading. However, more often than not, we keep them within us, which then generates stress and anxiety.

Today, we bring you 5 techniques to detoxify yourself emotionally that will help you release that weight that you have been carrying for so long and that is making you miserable.

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