5 Weight Loss Seeds To Include In Your Diet

Consuming certain varieties of seeds can help you improve the effects of diet for weight loss. Thanks to their fiber and amino acid content, these seeds are ideal for strengthening a healthy metabolism.

There are a wide variety of seeds to lose weight and perfectly complement a balanced diet.

Although these are not foods with miraculous properties, their consumption is ideal for promoting the effects of the diet. They allow, among other things, to fight against excess weight.

Many of their properties and benefits are attributed to “fat burning” because they stimulate metabolic functions to help the body lose weight. They also contain fiber and essential nutrients that are positively involved in key processes for weight loss.

Their consumption is ideal for people who suffer from constipation, food anxiety or who want to lose weight. What is more interesting is that they have a very pleasant taste and can be combined with other ingredients in the diet.

In addition, in addition to being able to consume on their own, they can also be easily included in a wide variety of recipes.

Do you know which are the best seeds for weight loss? Find out all about them today in this article.

Slimming seeds for your diet

The seeds have been part of the food of human beings since the dawn of time. For centuries, they have been valued for their energy and nutritional contribution, as they are a source of macronutrients and micronutrients.

So we must not forget that seeds are the richest fiber elements in nature. Fiber is particularly recommended for keeping cholesterol at a balanced level. Besides, they are also the key to healthy weight loss.

In short, fiber is essential for taking good care of our body. The fiber in the seeds will help the body to regulate itself, and allow the digestive system to function properly by removing waste that the body does not need.

In addition, the seeds allow us to refuel our energy and are extremely useful for our bacterial flora. And then, they are especially delicious.

In recent years, they have become a trend in weight loss diets because some of their properties promote weight loss. In fact, they are also recommended for health reasons, as they also control high cholesterol and prevent diabetes.

So, for weight loss, seeds are great allies. They help burn fat, provide a feeling of fullness and speed up our metabolism. They are excellent in salads, mixed in smoothies or as a simple appetizer.

Find out now, 5 weight loss seeds that you need to include in your diet.

1. Chia seedsseeds for weight loss

One of the most important seed varieties that will help you lose weight are chia seeds. They are known for their high content of soluble and insoluble fiber, in addition to their antioxidants. Thanks to their high fiber intake, they are satiating and recommended for people who are dieting.

Since they also contain omega-3s and essential amino acids, they are also a superfood. These fatty acids reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and increase the level of good cholesterol or HDL.

Chia seeds are also very high in iron and calcium. Their regular consumption is an aid in the fight against slow digestion and constipation. In addition, they stimulate the metabolism and reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat.

Thanks to their unsaturated fats, they are also an excellent remedy against high levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides. In addition, chia seeds eliminate toxins, prevent premature aging of the skin and regenerate tissues.

Finally, their caloric content is low and they provide proteins and carbohydrates that help maintain an optimal level of energy.

2. Sunflower seeds

Some people may think that sunflower seeds are an exclusive food for birds. However, today they are part of the regular diet of many people. Sunflower seeds are great allies in reducing anxiety and overweight.

They concentrate large amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant nutrient that helps fight the effects of free radicals on the skin. Their contributions in minerals and B complex vitamins strengthen muscles and reduce fatigue.

In addition, they bring a feeling of satiety and accelerate the metabolism. They are particularly healthy thanks to their content of oleic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, and lecithin acids.

Plus, they all help lower bad cholesterol levels, and increase good ones. Sunflower seeds are also excellent allies for the liver.

They provide a good supply of amino acids and carbohydrates which help to maintain a good rate of metabolism. Their unsaturated fatty acids help stimulate arterial cleansing and reduce the presence of harmful lipids in the blood.

The fibers contained in these sunflower seeds help especially to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, and fats which should not accumulate in the body.

However, be careful, you should only consume a small handful per day, or the equivalent of two tablespoons. If you exceed this amount, then the calorie level becomes too high.

3. Coriander seeds

Coriander seeds are small brown fruits that are distinguished by their slight citrus taste. Although their consumption is not as widespread as that of the previous seeds, they are slimming seeds with many medicinal benefits.

Coriander seeds have healing properties used in alternative medicine because they are rich in oils that stimulate the digestive system, making it easier to function. In addition, they offer an interesting nutritional contribution, because they are a great source of vitamins important for our body, such as vitamins A, B, C, E and K.

Their phytonutrients stimulate metabolic activity and help regulate blood glucose levels. In addition, they contain essential oils that optimize the production of insulin, which is fundamental for transforming sugars into sources of energy.

On the other hand, coriander seeds relieve digestive difficulties and have a purifying effect that promotes the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition, coriander seeds are also used to increase the levels of good cholesterol and reduce the levels of bad cholesterol.

Coriander seeds can be used in many recipes to add a mild, light flavor to dishes.

4. Sesame seeds

This variety of seeds is obtained from a perennial plant called Sesamum indicum , belonging to the Pedaliaceae family. They are known around the world for their dietary and medicinal applications.

Sesame seeds promote weight control and prevent many diseases. In addition, their niacin intake helps reduce the feeling of anxiety to decrease the insatiable desire to eat.

In addition, they contain amino acids that promote the formation of muscle mass while improving physical performance. Sesame is, among other things, an excellent source of protein and contains good fats as well as lecithin, iron, zinc and calcium.

In addition, these seeds are an interesting source of dietary fiber, recommended for improving digestion and controlling cholesterol. Their antioxidants protect cells against oxidative stress and act in favor of the excretory organs, in order to eliminate waste.

Sesame seeds combine perfectly with salads, creams, cakes and bread. You can sprinkle some sesame on your food to give it great flavor. We recommend that you buy them raw and grill them without oil for a few minutes.

5. Flax seedsseeds for weight loss

The consumption of flaxseeds has grown steadily over the past few decades, despite being considered a very ancient food.

They have become very popular thanks to the recommendations of many celebrities and fitness people. Flaxseeds are increasingly recommended to be allies in weight loss.

Although they are very small, at the same time they are very nutritious. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber and help regulate the digestive system. In addition, their natural gels lubricate the colon to facilitate the expulsion of waste.

In addition, apart from the significant amounts of fiber, this food contains polyphenols and essential fatty acids. These act in a beneficial way on the metabolism.

In addition, their omega 3 intake increases the feeling of vitality and improves cardiovascular health, especially because these seeds  reduce cholesterol.

In addition, they have a prolonged satiating effect which reduces the tendency to eat unhealthy or unhealthy foods. Flax seeds are very versatile and can be mixed with salads, breads, desserts, cookies, yogurts, milkshakes or smoothies.

What seeds would you like to try including in your diet for weight loss? As you can see, the seeds all have many important health benefits.

Choose the strain that you find most appropriate for your body. Don’t hesitate to eat them raw or incorporate them into your favorite salads and smoothies.

For some time now, it has been recommended to consume canary seed for weight loss. The seeds of this plant, despite their small size, contain powerful nutrients. Currently, many people consume canary seed for weight loss.

They have recently acquired great renown thanks to their interesting properties for human health. They especially help to break down fat and lose weight. Discover today in this article how to prepare canary seeds for weight loss.

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