6 Daily Habits That Make Us Age Faster

Find out which are our main habits that make us age faster. Stress and poor nutrition are two of these habits.

The passage of time is inevitable, but its impact on us our health will depend on our daily habits. Some of our habits make us age faster.

From time to time, we resort to creams or has expensive treatments which promise to make disappear those first wrinkles which point the tip of their nose. What if we told you that there are easier ways to cope with the passing of time?

We invite you to discover here a series of habits and routines that promote premature aging. Take notes !

1. How do you eat?

Bad nutrition

Sometimes we have little time to cook. Work, daily obligations and the madness of the big cities force us to eat just about anything in a very short period of time.

This is one of the reasons why we are moving towards ready meals or frozen foods that we only have to reheat in the microwave.

It is also very common that due to stress, we move towards foods with acid flavors, full of fat, very seasoned, very sweet or containing refined flour. They fill our stomachs, but inflame it at the same time. As a result we gain weight and our bad cholesterol levels increase dramatically.

This reality just described is very common and serves as a clear example of unhealthy eating habits that can lead to health problems and premature aging. Toxins alter our metabolism, cause us to suffer from water retention and the body cannot purify itself normally. Skin problems then kick in, and all of this makes us age far too quickly.

We must therefore focus on a healthier diet, which will reflect on our physical appearance. A diet full of natural defenses and antioxidants that will protect us against free radicals and the passage of time.

Consume natural orange, lemon, pineapple or strawberry juices. Prepare a variety of delicious salads every day, eat fresh vegetables, lean meats, blue fish, dried fruits, etc.

It is very important that you also eliminate salt and refined sugar from your diet. You will quickly see the difference!

2. Long exposures to the sun can make us age faster

You should know that, if the sun allows us to synthesize vitamin D, it can also be harmful for our skin if we expose ourselves too much.

The sun accelerates the premature aging of the skin. It can therefore become a great enemy of our skin if we expose ourselves regularly, especially without protection.

It is strongly recommended to apply sunscreen daily. Know that some cosmetic products that are suitable against the sun: a very practical solution that is worth trying.

3. Stress and negative emotions

Crying woman

Long-term psychological suffering makes us age. This may seem like exaggeration to you, but it is a reality that we must take into account.

A prolonged state of stress, which becomes chronic, causes us to lose a lot of our quality of life. We become unable to enjoy basic things like the company of others. We can no longer live the small moments of life in which there is however real happiness.

When we fail to cope with sadness and suffering adequately, our health suffers. Depression can set in and lead to physical problems, migraines, digestive or musculoskeletal problems. Physical and emotional suffering inevitably makes us age.

Try to control your stressful situations, set priorities and foster your positive emotions through a quiet life, filled with passion, dreams and plans. If you maintain a quality of life in which such values ​​advocate, your inner balance will reflect on your physical appearance.

4. Always be well hydrated

Being well hydrated is vital for our body, our skin and our health in general. Thanks to this hydration, our organs can optimize their functions, purify toxins and all the harmful elements that inflame us and make us age.

It is therefore very important to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day. If you’re struggling, you can add a little lemon juice to your glass to vary the pleasures.

5. Get out of your routine and change your habits!

We all have daily obligations, but it is important that every once in a while you step out of your routine.

Monotony, not experiencing new stimulating things, is something that plunges our bodies and brains into very low activity levels.

Doing nothing stimulating, gradually turns us off. Our brains need to learn a little more every day, to train to stay strong and young. Passion, learning and daily stimuli keep us young and alive.

Don’t hesitate to devote an hour or two a day to doing things you love. Go out, go for a walk, learn a new class, read, organize a trip from time to time to experience new sensations, enjoy!

6. Do you sleep well at night?

Enjoying  restful sleep means that we get up in the morning refreshed and radiant.

  • Try to eat light dinner and at least two hours before going to bed.
  • Turn off your computer and cell phone two hours before going to bed.
  • Go out for a walk for half an hour.
  • Take a hot shower.
  • Drink an infusion of rose tea with lemon balm.
  • Read a book and wait for sleep to gradually set in.

Put all these very simple tips into practice and enjoy a better quality of life. The passage of time will then be much more lenient towards you!

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