6 Eating Habits To Fight Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is defined as severe and continuous fatigue. The basis of treatment is an adequate diet plan, we must give preference to foods that increase the defenses. We give you the foods you should include in your diet and the foods you should avoid.

Do you feel tired all the time? Do you think that even while sleeping, you cannot get rid of this fatigue? This means that you can suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome.

One of the culprits behind this problem is poor diet. It’s no secret that food makes your body work. And what you eat defines how you feel and look like.

Chronic fatigue is what makes you crave a cup of coffee the very moment you wake up. The problem is, that is not enough, because you are without energy all the time.

It is a complex disorder that cannot be attributed to any disease. The worst part is that it gets worse the more you go about your daily activities.

The good news is, you don’t have to deal with these effects forever. With just a few changes in diet, you can get the energy you need. We help you there.

1. Stay hydrated

drink enough to avoid chronic fatigue

By drinking water, you not only fight chronic fatigue, but you also facilitate the distribution of essential molecules and other elements throughout the body.

This includes the removal of toxins and wastes that can affect your internal organs and the start of metabolic processes. It’s no secret that being dehydrated makes you tired.

2. Keep a journal of your meals and your feelings.

Another tip for fighting chronic fatigue is to keep detailed records of the things you eat and drink. You should also note your mood at different times.

This has several purposes:

  • Check if the foods you eat can create alterations that explain the lack of energy. For example, sugar can cause a surge in energy, but it will make you lethargic. On the other hand, agave syrup energizes you without causing chronic fatigue.
  • Understand which foods make you feel good and bad emotionally. Have you heard that chocolate helps the body release endorphins and make you happier? In fact, there are several foods that affect your mood and it is important to categorize them based on the emotions they generate in you. To make it easier for you, the Emotions Journal is vital.

By keeping this record, you can see that your fatigue is a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.

3. Do not eliminate food from your diet without supervision

We understand that dealing with chronic fatigue is annoying, but don’t try to fight it by eliminating certain food groups. It is recommended that in the company of a nutritionist, you review your food and emotional diary.

You then need to create a diet plan that can corroborate if a food is causing problems. This way, you will reduce the chances of having some type of nutritional deficiency.

Believe that all food groups give you specific benefit and you should not expose yourself to their deficiency.

4. Give yourself the opportunity to experiment in your diet

Try foods that you don’t eat regularly but are known to increase energy. Certain combinations of carbohydrates, proteins and fats will work to combat chronic fatigue.

The problem is, each body reacts to combinations differently, so there is no one standard diet. Also, try to taste foods that you have never eaten before. Perhaps at first it will be difficult to appreciate their flavor, but take the time to learn about their texture.

5. Eat smaller portions more often

consume small portions to fight chronic fatigue

This will help you have more energy when you feel too tired or hungry. Stopping eating will cause you to gain weight, which will become a vicious cycle with fatigue.

To avoid it , eat something every three or four hours. You can eat fruit with protein and fat to make sure you get enough nutrients. Here are some ideas:

  • 30 grams of cheese + 5 nuts + 1 apple
  • 2 slices of turkey ham + 10 almonds + 3 guavas
  • Roast chicken + 3 tablespoons of sunflower seeds + 1/2 cup of blueberries
  • 1 cup of yogurt + 5 nuts + 6 strawberries

In addition to helping you refuel, they’re easy to prepare, inexpensive, and easy to carry with you. What more can you ask for?

6. Avoid irritating foods

At the beginning we talked about the need for a cup of coffee. Although it gives you the feeling of energy, it is something that will tire you out in the second place. Avoid:

  • Coffee. It adds stress to your nervous system and creates energy spikes which, after two or three hours, worsen chronic fatigue. Instead of coffee, try aloe vera juice, green tea, or mint tea.
  • Junk food. It is the best option that you have to satisfy your hunger. You will increase your blood sugar and feel more tired within minutes. Also, because it doesn’t really feed you, within hours you will be hungry again. It is best to opt for fresh, freshly prepared foods such as fruits, salads, or smoothies.

We are sure that with these tips, you will feel much better prepared for all of your daily activities. Remember that the better you eat, the better you will feel.

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