6 Foods That Boost Our Memory

Certain foods boost our memory and can thus help us on a daily basis. Find out what these foods are here. Take notes !

Memory loss can happen to anyone. This is why we invite you in this article to discover which foods can naturally boost our memory.

First of all, it is essential to differentiate between a small one-off forgetfulness and recurring significant memory loss. 

Forgetting is linked to specific factors such as fatigue, thoughtlessness, or stress. We can forget a name, a date, in short, a small detail… Memory loss is more serious when we forget important events or things that we have done.

In the second case, we risk losing our own abilities (cognitive impairment). It will then be necessary to make the effort to self-observe, or even to perform some exercises to assess our condition.

There is a form of reluctance to face this problem: people do not like to admit that they are losing their memory. However, if this disorder is not followed closely, it can lead to depression.

It is therefore essential to establish a diagnosis in order to undergo treatment as soon as possible. This helps prevent rapid deterioration.

Know that there is nothing better than a varied diet to protect and energize our central nervous system. Also, some foods are highly recommended for memory.

1. Nuts                      

Nuts are shaped like a brain… It’s amazing how nature gives us the keys to solving our health problems!

Nuts contain polyphenols, nutrients recommended to prevent oxidative stress and improve our cognitive abilities. They also improve our cardiovascular health.

A small handful of nuts a day allows us to maintain a young and agile brain. In case of overweight, it will take three nuts per day, preferably in the morning.

2. Maca

This Andean root, almost miraculous, increases cerebral circulation. It therefore improves our memory as well as our concentration. It is also a great physical energizer, as maca improves our mood in a natural way.

The maca is an ideal complement: it contains proteins, essential amino acids, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins (B1, B2, B6), as well as minerals (calcium ,  phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc).

It is available in the form of tablets or in powder form. When you want to control the dose, it is best to consume it in powder form. You have to start with a small dose that you have to increase gradually, because maca is very energizing.

3. Ginkgo biloba, an important ally for our memory

Ginkbo biloba is one of the best natural remedies when it comes to improving oxygenation of the brain as well as that of the limbs. It is a plant that improves cerebral circulation, which boosts our memory as well as our mental capacities. NOT

We can start consuming it when we notice the first symptoms of memory loss and loss of focus.

It is best to take breaks once in a while so that the body does not get used to it. In this way, it will continue to bring benefits to the body.

4. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit), eaten on an empty stomach, help improve memory.

We can either eat them straight or squeeze them to consume them as juice. You can sweeten your juices with a little honey.

5. Brewer’s yeast

Brewer’s yeast has many health benefits. It is a food rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B12 and folic acid.

Group B vitamins are excellent builders for the central nervous system. Brewer’s yeast can therefore improve cases of depression, anxiety, stress or apathy. These situations can cause and influence significant memory loss.

6. Hawthorn

Hawthorn improves blood circulation . It is therefore ideal for alleviating memory loss problems, especially in the elderly. It is also an excellent remedy for heart problems.

Consume it as an infusion, for example, at a rate of at least three cups a day.

Photographs courtesy of veronicasheppard and xtinabot.

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