6 Great Benefits Of Eating Fruits And Vegetables Every Day

By consuming fruits and vegetables every day, not only will you lose weight, but you will also benefit from a stronger body and more resistant to disease.

We often hear that it is appropriate to consume vegetables and fruits on a daily basis. So that we   often think  that it only balances the diet and avoids the consumption of industrial and ultra-processed foods. 

However, the question is not limited to this. In fact, the recommendation is made by health, food and nutrition experts to help people make better choices about what they eat and thus gain and maintain good health and, as a result, a good quality of life.

The benefits of consuming vegetables and fruits

We recommend consuming vegetables and fruits for several reasons. One of them is that they help supply the body with all kinds of essential nutrients for various processes.

Let’s see more benefits below.

1. They help us satisfy our appetite

Due to their content in  dietary fiber , fruits and vegetables help us satisfy our appetite when we eat. In addition, they  help us maintain the feeling of fullness for longer. They therefore prevent us from eating whatever we find between meals.

2. They help to lose weight

Eating fruits and vegetables is the best way to lose weight in a healthy way, without feeling hungry and without counting calories. These foods help us lose weight for the following reasons:

  • They control appetite with their great satiating power.
  • They are rich in fiber, so they also help fight swelling in the abdomen.
  • Besides, they also help reduce water retention.
  • They are low in calories.
  • In addition, they balance the nervous system and help us reduce anxiety.
  • Finally, they help us avoid cravings and are the best mid-morning or afternoon alternative.
  • Finally, they improve the function of our body to eliminate toxins and wastes.

3. They regulate intestinal transit

Thanks to its high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals and enzymes, fruits and vegetables are essential for good bowel function. By eating them every day, we regulate the function of this organ and fight constipation and diarrhea.

If you want to suddenly increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, you should know that at the beginning you may suffer from constipation for a few days. This will go away until your gut fully absorbs the increased fiber.

With a little patience and drinking plenty of water throughout the day, you will overcome this little inconvenience very quickly.

4. They nourish all organs and systems of the body

fruits and vegetables

The different vitamins and minerals present in plant foods  help us strengthen all cells, organs and systems in the body . And while we usually think of vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium, and calcium, there are plenty of other nutrients we can get from these natural food sources.

Even though he  it is advisable to consume whole fruits , they can also be enjoyed in smoothies, etc. The same goes with vegetables and green vegetables. They can be eaten raw, in broths, mashed potatoes, etc.

5. They bring vitality

It is important to consume vegetables and fruits because they provide us with enough energy to carry out daily activities.

It is not the same to eat a muffin and a coffee, to be “active” for a few minutes and then to need to eat more, than to consume a fruit and not only to satisfy the appetite, but also to obtain water and nutrients which give us more energy, for longer.

In other words, being so rich in nutrients, vegetables and fruits are foods that dramatically increase energy and vitality levels. 

  • Juices are a great option, as they contain several fruits and vegetables in a small amount.
  • The best way for vegetables to give us energy is to eat them raw.
  • You can also make delicious whole salads to get all of their benefits. Do not hesitate to germinate seeds, cereals or legumes to multiply the benefits of these foods.

6. They help us get antioxidants

fruits and vegetables

Eating vegetables and fruits is the best way to get  antioxidants. These help us to stay healthy and fight against aging. These nutrients prevent free radical damage, both on the outside and on the inside.

To benefit from antioxidants,  you have to eat these raw foods first.  We can prepare salads, fruit juices or the famous green smoothies. A serving of vegetables should not be missing with every meal.

In short, include vegetables and fruits in a diet where variety, moderation and balance predominate  is very beneficial for general health. It can also help us maintain a healthy weight, based on our body mass index.

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