6 Natural Ways To Boost The Thyroid

The thyroid can have problems, either from running too fast or from running too slowly. It is therefore important to include foods that stabilize it in your diet, as well as to have regular medical check-ups.

The thyroid or thyroid gland is relatively small and shaped like a butterfly. It is located in the throat, at the level of the front part of the neck.

Its importance lies in the functions it performs throughout the body, as it is responsible for regulating hormonal, metabolic and growth processes.

It contains a protein called thyroglobulin which, when mixed with iodine, stimulates the secretion of hormones for optimal functioning of organs, tissues and cells.

In addition, it participates in protein synthesis, cellular oxygenation and other important work  that promotes good health.

However, like what can happen with other organs, it is exposed to a wide variety of factors that can unbalance it and affect its proper functioning.

It does not only involve a series of changes in the body but over time can lead to the development of serious diseases.

In this article, we are going to share with you 6 good habits that will help you improve your thyroid function in a natural way.

1. Add iodine to your diet

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of thyroid hormone deficiency, better known as hypothyroidism.

The body cannot create this nutrient on its own, so ensuring sufficient intake of foods that contain it is essential.

Among them we find:

  • Eggs
  • Seafood
  • The blue fish
  • Table salt

Also note that in the case of salt, consumption should be moderate because excess sodium is bad for your health.

2. Consume more selenium

Selenium is one of the essential minerals that can positively help in the treatment of thyroid disorders.

This element controls stress, facilitates detoxification processes and helps regulate hormonal activity.

Selenium-based proteins can help control metabolic functions and the mechanisms that transform food into energy.

Here are some natural sources of this nutrient:

  • The dried fruit
  • Linseed and sunflower seeds
  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • The mushrooms

3. Increase your zinc intake

Low zinc levels are linked to the development of two main thyroid problems: hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism.

Imbalances in thyroid function, whether from too slow or too fast hormone production, cause a series of negative reactions throughout the body.

This essential mineral is found naturally in many foods, and it can also be found in supplements.

Its main sources are:

  • Lean beef
  • Oysters
  • Pork
  • The chicken
  • Spinach
  • Seeds
  • Chocolate
  • Nuts

4. Don’t forget magnesium for the thyroid

Another essential element for a good functioning of the thyroid: magnesium. It is a difficult-to-absorb mineral that stimulates many systems in the body.

It is necessary for the transformation of iodine into thyroid hormones, and its ingestion is therefore key to avoid any kind of complications.

Its absorption can be achieved through the application of skin lotions, although it is also found in the following foods:

  • The corn
  • Avocado
  • Bananas
  • Spinach
  • Raisins

5. Consume coconut oil

Consuming one or two tablespoons of coconut oil per day can boost thyroid function, as its medium chain fatty acids help regulate metabolism.

Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidant substances, it is a very complete food to counteract the effects caused by the imbalances of this gland.

While more research is needed to verify its effects, some experts advise adding it to the diet as a supplement.

6. Avoid stress

Continuous exposure to stressful situations is a strong influence of imbalances in the functions of the thyroid.

Although at first it only seems to affect the mood, over time chemical reactions take place and affect health.

All of this therefore increases the production of cortisol. A substance that blocks thyroid hormones from entering the cells of the body.

Concerned about your thyroid health? Try to incorporate all of these habits into your daily life and of course, don’t forget to have regular medical check-ups to monitor your activity closely.

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