6 Test Results You Need To Know To Take Care Of Your Health

Even if the specialist has a record of our evolution, it is important that we know the different results of our analyzes in order to see a follow-up at home.

There are some test results you need to know to take care of your health and today we are going to tell you what they are.

Sometimes we believe that all is well because our body seems to adapt to any situation.

But if you don’t know these numbers, you could be putting your health at risk.

These results are almost magical because they can help you prevent illnesses and various complications.

The next time you go to the doctor for a general check-up, be sure to ask for them.

1. Blood pressure

The first thing to know is blood pressure.

The high blood pressure is also known as the silent killer because it has no symptoms until the disease is very advanced.

You will have seen that when you are given the value of your pressure, it is two digits. One is systolic pressure and the other is diastolic pressure.

These two values ​​indicate the pressure with which your blood moves through the arteries and the ideal pressure is 120/80. However, the lower it is, the better.

If your pressure levels are high, it’s a good idea to change your diet: more vegetables and less salt. In addition, exercise is also very important.

2. Cholesterol

Just like blood pressure, the cholesterol result consists of two data: LCL and HDL, and the total sum must be equal to or less than 200. 

LDL is known as bad cholesterol and should always be below 100.

On the other hand, the good cholesterol or HDL should be above 60 at all times.

When both of those numbers are wrong, it could mean there is a heart problem or cardiac arrest, among others.

You should see your doctor to assess this data once a year, if your health is good.

If your health is poor or you have a bad medical history with your heart, he will ask for regular check-ups.

3. TSH

The third outcome you need to know to take care of your health is TSH or the amount of thyroid stimulating hormones.

It is estimated that one in 8 people, especially women, have a thyroid problem during their lifetime.

Thyroid problems tend to cause fatigue, regular weight changes, and chronic pain.

If you know your TSH, your doctor can act faster and eliminate any discomfort you are having.

Normal TSH levels range from 0.4 to 5.6 milli-units per liter of blood (mU / L).

The most common is for your doctor to ask you for this test if you have any symptoms we were talking about before and if they are caused by some other reason.

4. Sugar in the blood

The fourth number you need to know to take care of your health is the hemoglobin A1C test, which is used to measure the amount of sugar in your blood during the past three months.

There are other tests, but these indicate the amount of glucose at the time in question.

The A1C is classified as follows:

  • 5.7 o less = Good health
  • 5.8 to 6.4 = Pre-diabetes
  • 6.5 and over = Diabetes

If your levels correspond to pre-diabetes, you have the possibility of avoiding the next level by modifying your sedentary lifestyle through physical activity and a healthy diet.

Pre-diabetes is a warning you need to heed.

If your levels indicate that you have diabetes, don’t stress or get depressed.

Having healthy habits can help you achieve minimal levels. It will take a while and a lot of work, but it is possible.

If you are overweight, it is important to lose a few pounds so that your blood glucose levels are well controlled.

5. Bone density

This result comes from the evaluation of your bones. It is important from the age of 30, when we stop accumulating calcium and when there is a risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

The fifth result you should know is obtained with a simple test. The ideal is to have a bone density between 1 and -1.

If you are outside of this range, it means that you are lacking in bone mass compared to your age.

It is normal that over time this figure will decrease. The decrease can be more or less controlled if you eat foods rich in calcium.

If during the first test your doctor detected low levels of bone mass, the test may be done once a year.

If you are under 30, you can improve this number through exercise and adequate calcium intake.

6. The circumference of the waistline

This figure goes beyond aesthetic issues since too large a waistline has been shown to be associated with metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart problems.

The waist circumference of women should be 80 centimeters or less and that of men 90 or less.

Is your waistline a few inches taller? We recommend that you exercise and change your diet a bit to eliminate belly fat.

Without a doubt, math doesn’t lie, and the numbers you need to know to take care of your health will tell you exactly what you need to change.

Do not leave everything in the hands of the doctor: ask him for each data and make a register.

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