7 Keys To Building Resilience

Resilience refers to the ability to overcome difficult times, leave emotional pain behind and move on.

Even though we think that resilience is a very specific term in the psychological and motivational field, this word comes from physics. When a material is deformed due to an impact or the aggression of a chemical and is able to return to its original form without shattering or breaking, it is a case of resilience.

This physical peculiarity has been borrowed for positive psychology to teach us that we too can carry out this wonderful action. We can face adversities and overcome them.

Believe it or not, as living organisms we are biologically prepared to “survive”. Our brain can guide us in this rebirth which allows us to go through moments of darkness to renew our aspirations tomorrow.

Today, the concept of resilience applies to a multitude of fields and disciplines. In business, for example, it is very useful for dealing with times of crisis. Each member must be able to analyze their situation in order to apply new improvement strategies.

Sometimes, during times of crisis, the best opportunities arise that allow us to emerge stronger. And it is something that we find as well in the professional field as in the emotional field. Let’s see what are the factors that can help us put it into practice.

1. Connect with those around you to develop resilience

Monk in a cave

When we go through times of difficulty, we have the feeling that the world has lost its harmony, that everyone is going in one direction and we in another.

We must then stop and realize that we are not alone. Dare to connect with others, lean on your good friends, on your family, on people who know how to listen to you and who are able to offer you help.

Accepting help from those around us allows us to strengthen ourselves, to feel more confident to make new decisions and find hope.

2. The severe pain does not last forever: you will be able to breathe again.

Woman jumping off a cliff

No one can change what happened, the facts are over and we have all the freedom to feel angry, sad, downcast …

However, we must know that complex situations do not last forever. This pain is not eternal: one day things will improve. We must allow ourselves to “let go” in life. There are times of difficulty, times of opportunity and days of genuine happiness.

3. Resilience is accepting that change is part of life

Life is in constant motion and this implies that changes are inevitable, but holding onto pain eternally is optional. Don’t do it, don’t lock yourself in …

Adversity must invite us to ignite the innate drivers of adaptation that we all have built into our brains. Refine your emotions in search of new dreams, accept everything that has happened and little by little allow yourself to move forward, let the passing of days invite you to look at the horizon.

4. Set new goals to improve resilience

What happened will not have a look back. We will not be able to change it, the only valid option now is to accept and assume. Your first action to face this adversity is to make a decision, to offer yourself a simple goal that is easy to assume.

Later, the most risky objectives will come, but to begin with, the easiest, the most therapeutic are sufficient: go out for a walk, meet up with your friends, take a trip, enjoy …

5. Create a positive image of yourself

You already know this image of yourself suffering, hit hard by grief, failure, absence or betrayal. It is an image that is familiar to you. Now you need to create a new one.

Developing self-confidence is key at these times. This is the way through which you will be able to face everyday life, solve problems and trust your instincts. In this way, you will build your resilience.

6. Take a step back from things

Even if we have to face very painful events, it is necessary to keep control and a good perspective on things.

If you have been abandoned, it does not mean that you no longer have the right to be happy. If you have lost someone, you must not fall into this pit which prevents you from smiling or dreaming of life again. Take a step back, listen to your heart.

7. Take care of yourself

You have friends, family, people who love you and who are there to help on a daily basis. But the only person who really knows how to take care of yourself is yourself.

Never forget that you deserve to be happy again, so don’t hesitate to boost your physical and emotional health. Go out for a walk, eat a balanced diet, encourage emotional discharge, and have plans, dreams… Never stop thinking about the future.

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