9 Foods That Are Too Sweet You Didn’t Know

Even though we believe that the majority of these foods are healthy, they can hide, beneath their innocent appearance, extremely high amounts of sugar that you never suspected not. Keep in mind that you should always read the labels of the products you buy.

Beware of foods that are too sweet! When we are trying to diet or take care of our diet, appearances can go wrong.
We can eat foods that are too sweet without even being able to suspect it.

Even if consuming sugar sparingly is essential for the functioning of our body, it is strongly advised not to ingest excessively sweet foods.

This is why we wanted to inform you that some foods contain a lot of it, even though they seem above all suspicion.

Eating too much sugar can have consequences that go far beyond simply gaining weight. It is a harmful habit that increases, among other things, the risk of suffering from vitamin B complex deficiencies.

Simply consume too sugary foods can increase demand for your body to vitamin B. This therefore leads to deficiencies in vitamins B1, B2 and B5 in particular.

Of course, foods that are too sweet can also cause tooth decay, which will appear quickly if you don’t brush your teeth properly.

According to the World Health Organization, sugar should account for 5% of our total calorie intake.

The ideal is to consume between 5 and 9 teaspoons of sugar per day. However, the sad reality is that we are consuming in one day what we should be consuming in a week.

We should not forget to exercise and be aware of the amount of sugar we consume every day.

1. Corn tortillas are too sweet.

We often buy them to snack with friends or to prepare a Mexican meal that is a change from the ordinary. At first glance, tortillas are made with flour and water, and they are low in calories.

However, they contain a very large amount of sugar.

Two corn tortillas (33 g) contain 10.2 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 2.55 lumps of sugar. The best alternative is to choose sugar-free tortillas, which are easily found in the store.

2. Brown sugar

Next we need to deconstruct a widely held misconception that brown sugar is healthier than white sugar. This is absolutely not true.

The two sugars have exactly the same properties. Brown sugar is distinguished by its light coating of cane molasses which gives it a more potent flavor.

Four lumps of brown sugar contain 98% pure sugar, which is exactly the same as 4 lumps of white sugar. If you’re looking for a sugar substitute, go for stevia more than brown sugar.

3. Almond milk

Almond milk is no less caloric than cow’s milk. In addition, it contains added sugar, which is not the case with milk of animal origin.

A glass of almond milk contains up to 10 grams of sugar, regardless of whether it is low in fat or not.

For people who are lactose intolerant, other options exist to continue consuming milk, such as lactose-free milk for example.

4. Tomato sauce

Even though it is lower in calories than sauces prepared for pasta, classic tomato sauce is not a healthy product because it contains sugar. A 210 ml tomato sauce can contain up to 16 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 4 lumps.

5. Whole grains

Although we often present them as healthy alternatives to refined grains produced by the food industry, we shouldn’t be fooled by appearances.

Whole grains can contain a lot of sugar. So pay close attention to the label that comes with them when you buy them.

6. Energy bars

There are many types of energy bars. While most of them contain a fair amount of protein, some are extremely high in sugar, up to 48 grams per serving.

We therefore recommend that you avoid all products of this type that contain too much sugar.

7. Salty snacks

These snacks may have a very strong salty taste, but they still contain large amounts of sugar.

If you eat 16 savory cupcakes a week, your body will receive just over 4 grams of sugar, the equivalent of 6 stalks of celery, for example.

So pay attention to all these products that we consume with pleasure as an aperitif.

8. Dried fruits

Dried fruits are very healthy, but we should eat them in moderation. And this is not only because they are caloric, but also because they contain a large amount of sugar, even if they seem above all suspicion.

Foods like nuts or almonds contain the most sugar. If you consume 20 grams of dried fruit per day, you will ingest approximately 12 grams of sugar.

9. Peanut butter is one of the foods that are too sweet

Peanut butter is one of the foods that are too sweet.

Do you like peanut butter? You can eat it regularly, but always in moderation. Take into account that four tablespoons of peanut butter give you about 7 grams of sugar.

To take care of your health, you can reduce the amounts you consume.

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