9 Ideal Fruits To Fight Constipation

To fight constipation, it is important to increase your consumption of foods rich in fiber and to drink plenty of water, in order to facilitate the purification of your organization.

Although everyone’s bowel rhythms are different, only passing stool two to three times a week is a clear symptom of this condition. There are many treatments that can help fight constipation.

The main causes of constipation are:

  • Too much stress
  • A too sedentary life
  • A diet low in fiber
  • Diabetes
  • Pregnancy

This disorder can also be associated with other pathologies, such as colon cancer, diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.

We particularly recommend that you follow a diet rich in fruit. These foods contain various nutrients that speed up the digestive system and provide it with a large amount of insoluble fiber.

In the rest of this article, we will present the most effective of them to fight constipation.

1. The pear

Fight constipation with pears.

Thanks to its high water and fiber content, pear is an excellent regulator of our intestinal transit.

  • Pears allow us to take care of our digestive system and, thanks to their nutritional properties, they facilitate the elimination of bad cholesterol.
  • In addition, they contain vitamins B, C and E, as well as minerals (iron, calcium and potassium).

2. Mandarin

Mandarin is a citrus fruit. It therefore contains a large amount of vitamin C.

  • This vitamin stimulates the formation of antibodies in the body and combats the harmful effects of certain harmful substances.
  • In addition, mandarin contains a good amount of fiber which helps fight digestive problems, excess cholesterol and cardiovascular disease.

3. Grapes to fight constipation

Fight constipation with grapes.

Thanks to its formidable properties, the grape acts as a natural laxative. It also helps our cardiovascular system to be healthy and lowers bad cholesterol (LDL).

  • It also contains a wide variety of essential acids, which allow our whole body to function optimally.
  • Grapes contain almost no calories, they take care of our arteries and our heart. It also helps improve the cognitive functions of our body.

4. Guava

Guava has antiseptic and anthelmintic properties which make it an exceptional fruit for eliminating bacteria, fungi and all infections that can affect the human body.

  • By consuming guava, including seeds, you will be able to allow your intestines to evacuate your stool naturally and easily.
  • To enjoy all the benefits of guava, we recommend that you consume it every day.

5. Orange

Fight constipation with orange.

Orange juice is great for preventing the buildup of food residues in the colon and for preventing cardiovascular disease.

  • In addition to being a powerful antioxidant food, thanks to its vitamin C content, orange strengthens the immune system and has depurative, analgesic and healing properties.
  • Orange provides our body with a good amount of fiber, which is ideal for improving intestinal transit and reducing constipation.
  • On the other hand, orange contains citric acid, which gives it purifying properties. It facilitates the digestion of food and stimulates the detoxification of the liver and pancreas.

6. Papaya

The nutrients in papaya make it ideal for fighting constipation. Composed of 90% water, it is an excellent diuretic food.

  • It also contains a high amount of vitamin C. It strengthens our body’s natural defenses and eliminates free radicals thanks to its antioxidant effect.
  • Even though it is not the fruit with the most fiber, it still helps improve intestinal transit and prevent colon cancer.

7. The apple

Fight constipation with the apple.

We recommend that you eat this fruit with its skin on, as it contains fiber and has an excellent antioxidant effect.

  • The apple helps lower cholesterol levels and decrease the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease, because it contains quercetin.
  • To cleanse your bowels and your entire body, you can eat three to four apples a day, at least an hour before each meal.

8. Melon to fight constipation

Rich in minerals like potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus, melon is a fruit that we should not neglect in our daily diet.

  • Thanks to its diuretic action, melon is ideal for preventing water retention, to promote kidney function and to evacuate stool more easily.
  • Its seeds allow in particular to promote the expulsion of intestinal worms.

9. The kiwi

Fight constipation with kiwi fruit.

The kiwi is one of the fruits that contains the most fiber. You can consume it whole to fight against your constipation, because it helps speed up intestinal transit.

Some general recommendations to fight constipation

In addition to consuming the fruits that we have just advised you, we suggest that you take into account the following recommendations:

  • Monitor your stress level
  • Increase your water consumption
  • Avoid large meals
  • Exercise
  • Eat regularly
  • Avoid consuming milk and foods containing lactose
  • Avoid consuming foods high in fiber

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