Big Brothers And Sisters: Friends And Second Parents

Even though sometimes we can have certain differences, big brothers and sisters are characterized by their unconditional care towards the little ones and are an example for them in every aspect of their life.

The big brothers and sisters did not ask to be the elders. One fine day, their life changed with the arrival of this spoiled and whiny little brother or sister, to whom parents often give all the attention.

It takes some time to accept that you are no longer the only child in the house. We are no longer the little prince or the princess for whom all the toys and caresses are intended.

You have to learn to share affection, to pay attention to clothes and books, because they will then be picked up by the little brothers and sisters.

Almost without knowing how, to these years of small jealousies and harsh concessions, something strange succeeds that it is difficult to define.

As we grow up, we have a role, a right and an obligation: to listen and take care of our unique friends, our little brothers and sisters who hold a great place in the heart.

We invite you to think about this.

Big brothers and sisters, vital travel companions

Although not everyone has a good relationship with their siblings, for most people, they represent much needed psychological and emotional support.

We share with them the same origin and the same story which sometimes has not always been easy.

They give us roots, unite us in these decisive days of childhood and early youth, and they are also the ones who support us when we mature.

A big brother or a big sister is like a second father or a second mother

The big brother or the big sister is forced to rethink many aspects of his life when new guests arrive who claim a place.

For many children, this is undoubtedly something complex. Parents must learn to manage, knowing how to cover the emotional needs of all their children on an equal basis.

It is only when all children are loved equally by their parents that fears and doubts are allayed. They then give rise to a more enriching and powerful dimension. Indeed, the big brothers and sisters then become protectors for the little ones.

It is they, in addition, who will live the first experiences that the little ones will have to face later.

The big brother or the big sister will give advice that teenagers do not dare to ask their parents.

Support for seniors

They are the ones who feel what they need and what is the way to do certain things by showing them how not to make the same mistakes as them.

A support that is very present, especially when the relationship we have with our parents is a little complex or not sufficiently satisfactory. In these cases, the bond between siblings is much more intense.

This small vital circle between small and big brothers and sisters rises like a wall to protect themselves. This is where one finds support and emotional strategies for dealing with difficulties.

These are facts which, if they are experienced from early childhood, are never forgotten in adulthood.

Despite everything, their love is unconditional

Maybe he or she doesn’t say it very often. In fact, it is very possible that this elder does not express his love so much or does not show what his younger siblings represent in his life.

But it is possible to feel it in the concern for his family, in his calls, in his shared moments, where we fall back into childhood.

We also notice it in the simple fact of seeing how he puts his people before him. This again reveals his protective instinct.

Big brothers and sisters are a pillar in life. We often wonder what our daily life would be like without this exceptional and wonderful bond.

Negative feelings towards siblings

It is curious that it is often said that brothers and sisters are the “enemies we love the most”. Trying to relieve once again those complex childhood years where playfulness, screaming and jealousy marked us more than ever.

However, all these fragments of life serve us, moreover, to better educate our children today.

We understand that jealousy and arguments are normal. However, we also try to consider them all to be equal. We must not discriminate on the basis of gender.

We must also avoid overburdening adults with responsibilities just because they are a few years older.

A childhood inhabited by love, affection and respect is vital. This will allow the child to grow up in a mature, safe and free way.

If in addition, the children are lucky enough to have a big brother or a big sister by their side, they will discover these “best friends” that they did not choose. They are role models who greatly enrich their lives and who they can count on every day.

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