5 Exercises That Help Relieve Knee Pain

Sedentary lifestyle and obesity can be the main causes of knee pain. This is why it is essential to stay active in order to avoid problems.

Knee pain is very common, both in children and in the elderly.

There are an infinite number of causes that can cause this discomfort, such as:

  • Obesity
  • Muscle damage
  • The falls
  • Osteoporosis
  • Aging

The pain is caused by the wear and tear of the cartilage that covers the superficial joints of the knee. Often the discomfort becomes so intense that it causes mobility problems.

How to relieve knee pain?

The most recommended is to consult a specialist, whether a general practitioner or directly a traumatologist so that he can analyze the situation and the cause of the pain.

Once he has detected the problem, he will do the relevant examinations to resolve it.

On the other hand, knee pain can be due to a sedentary lifestyle, spending too much time on your feet, or sudden activity.

This ailment can be resolved with an analgesic to relieve the pain.

If the pain is constant, it is best to follow a daily routine that allows you to stay in motion and gradually relieve the pain caused by various knee problems.

Exercises that help relieve the knees

Exercise is the best way to keep your knees healthy. It relieves pain and helps maintain elasticity, both cartilage and muscle.

By themselves, we use these routines to keep the cartilage in motion and thus give strength to the muscles to prevent injury or future wear and tear.

If the pain in the knees is due to some condition, it is very likely that your doctor will advise you on an exercise program that suits your needs.

Whether it is a disease or not, the important thing is to solve the problem. To do that, here are 5 effective exercises that fight knee pain.

1. The board

Here is a very simple way to strengthen the knees but also the quadriceps.

  • Lie down in a comfortable place, on your bed or on a yoga mat, and raise your legs.
  • It is imperative not to bend the legs. Keep them straight and with your knees straight.
  • It is advisable to do this exercise 3 or 4 times in a row, with intervals of rest.

It is highly recommended for people with knee injuries, whether from sports or from a fall.

While consistency is important, don’t exhaust yourself repeating them as it could lead to back pain.

2. The chair

  • Lean your back against the wall and step your feet away from it.
  • In this position, descend very slowly until you are in a seated position, as if you were in a chair.
  • Hold this position for 10 or 15 seconds. Then slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
  • Do 5 sessions, 10 reps each, each day.
  • If you follow this program, you will allow your knees to regain their flexibility and strength.

3. Knees bent

  • Lie on your back and stretch one leg while keeping the other bent with the foot on the floor.
  • Lift the straight leg and hold the position for 10 seconds.
  • Lower that leg, bend it, and do the same with the one that was bent earlier.
  • It is a bit tiring for the abdominal area and we recommend that you find the most comfortable position and not do this exercise directly on the floor.
  • Remember to do these exercises gently and without straining. Do this as far as you can lift your leg.

4. Leg extension

  • You can sit down or directly lie on the floor.
  • Lift your leg, straight, eight inches above the ground.
  • Hold the position for at least 10 seconds and lower it while bending the knee.
  • Do this exercise 10 times for each leg.

5. Walk

Last but not least, you can walk.

  • Walk for 30 or 40 minutes in comfortable clothes, with no accessories that get in the way.
  • Invest in good athletic shoes, which give you the comfort and support you need.

To walk is not to trot and even less to run, but it is not a walk either. Walk steadily and steadily every day.

This exercise, besides helping you with your knee problems, helps your whole body in general to stay healthy and in good condition.

Remember that constant movement is the only thing that will noticeably improve the condition of knee pain. See your doctor and start your exercise program now.

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