Lemon Detox And Cleansing Cure

Lemon Detox and Cleansing is an effective plan that helps flush out toxins and wastes accumulated in the body, while also contributing to short-term weight loss.

This cure has been known for half a century. Nevertheless, it has become popular in recent years around the world.   

The story of this detoxification cure

This lemon detox treatment began to be adopted when Stanley Burroughs, its creator, recommended it for healing stomach ulcers.

In the book  The Master Cleanser , Burroughs shares the experience he had when one of his patients first tried this cure after suffering from a stomach ulcer for three years.

Eleven days after the application of this lemon cleanse, the patient was completely cured, much to the surprise of the doctors.

Since then, there have been many similar cases, where the results are noticeable 10 or 11 days after the start of treatment.

It should be noted that in the medical reports of the people who carried out this cure, it was also notified that they had succeeded in losing weight.

What is lemon detox and cleansing?

The lemon detox and cleanse is a program to support the body. Through which it facilitates the elimination of accumulated toxins.

Indeed, the body accumulates toxins because of a bad diet, pollution. Or negative mental attitudes and a sedentary lifestyle, among others.

Thus, this cure should be considered as an aid.  That is to say, it must be accompanied by a balanced diet, regular exercises. As well as a reduction in stress, which are factors that influence the intoxication of the body.

How to prepare a lemon detox and cleanse?

To successfully complete this lemon detox and cleanse, it is very important to set goals.

Define what you want to achieve and identify all the factors that affect the outcome. This is an important step in achieving the main goal that you set for yourself when you start this treatment.

Some people suggest preparing the lemon cure first, following a vegetarian diet that helps prepare the body, so that it is less stressful.

Precautions to be taken into account

This lemon detox should not be taken by people who have had organ transplants.  Nor by those who take immunosuppressive drugs.

It should also not be followed if the person is to undergo surgery.

Before starting this cure, it is recommended to reduce your consumption of coffee, soft drinks, sugars, refined flour and foods high in fat. 

Lemonade for detoxification

This detoxification cure is a cleansing program that allows the person to purify their body. With the consumption of a special lemonade, prepared with the following ingredients:

  • Lemons
  • Pure organic maple syrup
  • Pure Cayenne Pepper
  • Mineralized water

The cure is a program for a minimum of 10 days.

How to prepare it? 

  • Mix equal doses of lemon and organic maple syrup. Reserve in a dark glass container and refrigerate.
  • Then pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of water, add the cayenne pepper to it and stir well until all the ingredients dilute properly.
  • The ideal is to drink 6 to 12 glasses of lemonade per day, at different times of the day. And every time you feel hungry.
  • Maple syrup retains lemon juice and therefore prevents the oxidation of vitamin C and enzymes.

In addition, you must take a laxative in the morning and another in the evening. To do this, mix three teaspoons of sea salt with a liter of water and drink a glass at the recommended times.

How to do this lemon detox?

This cure is a slow process which must be done with patience. On the first day, all you need to do is take lemon lemonade.

Then, after the fast, start adding orange juice to your diet. The next day, introduce a vegetable soup and broths. On the third day, you can eat fruits and vegetables.

Then, and gradually, add meat, fish, milk, eggs and other foods that help to rebalance the diet.

At the end of this big cleanse (10 or 11 days), the ideal is to start eating well, in a healthy way. This cure will then allow you to change your eating habits and adopt a healthy diet.

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