Awesome Tips For Thicker Eyelashes

Who doesn’t dream of having thicker eyelashes? We love to beautify and take care of them. Whatever it is, as long as our gaze is spectacular, that it makes people fall in love and that it conveys optimism.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to spend a fortune on cosmetics to achieve this. There are simple and great homemade tips for every day.

We invite you to discover them in this article.

1. Start with good nutrition

Avocado for thicker eyelashes.

You may be one of those people who have thin, sparse eyelashes . It does not matter, a lot of women manage to solve this problem. It is obvious, for example, that the genetic factor determines most of our traits.

Now, thanks to a specific diet and adapted tips, it is possible to improve the appearance of your eyelashes, without using hairpieces! With a little time and a few good habits, we will succeed in our goal, starting from the inside.

Dermatologists from the Madrid Institute of Dermatology and Aesthetics (IMDE) remind us that a well-balanced diet that does not contain fat and in which the consumption of vitamins A, B, C and E is privileged, will allow us to ” get fuller, longer and shinier eyelashes. Why not take this advice?

  • The almonds. How do you feel about eating 6 almonds a day? They are rich in vitamin E, perfect for nourishing the hair follicles of the eyelashes. They also have polyphenol, an antioxidant that prevents them from falling.
  • Olive oil. You probably already know that. Olive oil strengthens the eyelashes and provides us with a large amount of vitamin E, in addition to antioxidants capable of fighting against aging and the fragility of these.
  • Beans. Natural resource in iron, zinc and group B vitamins. What do they offer us for the health of our eyelashes? They strengthen them, nourish them and provide them with oxygen …
  • Broccoli. Few vegetables are so healthy for our basic functions, as well as for our beauty. Did you know, for example, that broccoli gives you keratin? Thanks to it, your eyelashes will be thicker, stronger and more flexible.
  • The lawyer.  Many studies claim that consuming half an avocado a day provides us with more than 20 vitamins and minerals. They are great for making the eyelashes look thicker.

Simple beauty tips for thicker eyelashes

Tips for thicker eyelashes.

1. Brush your eyelashes at night

It is something as simple as it is effective. Think of your eyelashes like you think of your hair. To stimulate their growth, it is good to brush them. Thus, you eliminate the dead cells and you stimulate the circulation of blood in the area.

A daily routine that gives good results.

2. Castor oil treatment

Infallible, efficient and economical. It is worth having it all the time at home and in your beauty set. Few oils are as useful for our eyelashes as castor oil.

It is a natural resource that allows us to obtain maximum hydration for our eyelashes.

To benefit from it, you just have to do a little massage with a cotton pad well soaked in this oil. If you do it in the evening, after brushing them, you will see that little by little your eyelashes will be thicker.

3. Talc

This fantastic thing is one of the secrets of celebrity makeup artists. It is so simple and at the same time surprising.

  • First, take the rimmel and apply it to the tips of the eyelashes, taking care to separate them between them.
  • Then,  gently sprinkle the eyelashes with talcum powder. In this way, we give them more density. You can apply it with another rimmel brush, as you see in the image below. It’s easier.
  • When they are covered (be careful not to get it in the eyes), apply the rimmel again. You know that the best way to make your eyelashes thicker is to apply it from their root and in an upward direction.
    Never forget the tips because they are the ones that give more length to the eyelashes.

4. Does the rimmel always have to be black?

This is the golden question. In reality, no, not always. There are different tips that can be used to achieve thicker eyelashes:

  • The transparent shiny rimmel . It gives light, density and a spectacular look, especially in the morning. If you correct your dark circles well, you will get a very “chic” touch.
  • Coffee-colored rimmel mixed with black: another tip from makeup artists. From the root to half of the lashes, apply the coffee-colored rimmel. Then apply black rimmel on the ends to make them longer and thicker. Have you already tried ? It’s sensational.

5. Be careful with the eyelash curler and waterproof rimmels

We know that eyelash curlers give us a very beautiful look, but you shouldn’t overdo it. Doing it every day punishes the eyelashes and makes them more brittle.

If for some reason you have to curl them every day, remember to hydrate them at least twice a day with petroleum jelly or castor oil.

It’s the same with waterproof rimmel . We know that thanks to its composition, it lasts much longer, and that we can go to the pool or to the beach with it, without it disappearing.

But, what is its downside? It is very difficult to remove it, since there are always some traces of the product, which can damage the eyelashes.

It is best not to overuse these elements.

In conclusion, these  easy and economical  tips are effective tips for everyone. Thanks to them, you will undoubtedly succeed in achieving thick and beautiful eyelashes.

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