Study Reveals The Best Time To Have Your First Cup Of Coffee

Did you know that there is a great time to have your first cup of coffee?

Many of us are used to drinking the first cup of coffee immediately upon awakening. However, it would be much more effective if we waited until our cortisol levels had come down.

And you, what time do you have your first cup of coffee ? Like the majority of the population, it is most likely that you will do this directly when you get up. We need to wake up and receive a good injection of energy and positivity.

And something that always seemed good to us may not be so good now.

As we already know, science is always eager to give answers to the most everyday questions. She tells us that that first dose of coffee might not be as positive in the first hour of the morning.

However, and this should be clear from the start, we know our bodies. This way we know what suits us best at each moment.

However, it is not useless to test, even if it is only out of pure curiosity, the following proposition.

We explain it to you below.

The first cup of coffee will always be better a little later

We know the morning smells of coffee. That when we get out of bed and open the window to the sunrise and the day ahead, the only thing we think about is a good dose of caffeine to be able to “function”.

The fact that we are now being told to wait a few hours is something we view with skepticism.

But they have good reasons and they tell us why it would be better to wait at least two hours after getting up.

Your cortisol level and coffee

first cup of coffee and cortisol level

Steven Miller is a neuropsychologist and expert in chronopharmacology. This is the discipline that analyzes the interaction between the different biological rhythms of the human body and drugs.

He has carried out a few studies which he himself published on his scientific disclosure blog “ NeuroscienceDC ”. Miller explained that taking that first cup of barely risen coffee would not be as effective as we think.

  • The reason for this lies in our circadian rhythms and in cortisol.
  • Circadian rhythms are the ones that control our sleep patterns. They also regulate cortisol, the so-called “stress hormone” responsible for keeping us alert.

We need to know that when we open our eyes in the morning and wake up, cortisol starts to work on its own.

As a result, as various studies on circadian rhythms explain, the time of day when cortisol is most active is between 8 a.m. and 9 a.m.

Coffee and headaches

Taking a cup of coffee at this time of the day therefore involves incorporating a stimulant into our body precisely when it reaches a level of alert in a natural way.

According to what Dr. Miller explains to us, the principles of pharmacology are very clear: it is not suitable to incorporate a drug into the body when it does not yet need it.

  • Having a coffee when our cortisol level is at a high peak explains why some people experience headaches.
  • We suffer from an overload and our body sometimes reacts with the opposite effect of what we want: we can feel more anxious or even tired.

It is clear however, that each body reacts in a different way. While it is certain that having that first cup of coffee at the first hour will work for some, if we wait a little longer the benefits will be more potent.

The best time to have your first cup of coffee is between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.Cup of coffee

Everything will depend, without a doubt, on what time we get up. The most advisable is to wait between 1h30 and 2h.

It is when the level of cortisol in the blood is at its lowest, that a perfect moment opens for us for that desired dose of caffeine.

One of the basic principles of pharmacology is to give drugs when they are needed. Even further than the anecdotal aspect that the information may appear to us, it would be worth taking it into account.

  • Taking that first cup of coffee right when our cortisol level is at its highest will very often lead to tolerance.

That is, we will not feel the effects of coffee. We’re going to need another cup after a while. It is not the most suitable.

Thus, there are two ideal times to have coffee during the day: between 9:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m.


We therefore have a large time slot to be able to enjoy two to three cups of coffee per day.

Get up and have a good natural juice, some protein and fiber for breakfast, then wait two hours until we take our dose of caffeine.

We may quickly feel more awake, productive, and energized to face the day.

Are you motivated to try?

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