Are You One Of The Resilient People?

Resilient people are aware of their limits and accept them, without succumbing to adversity and running away from their problems. They have learned to adapt to change.

Resilient people know that adversity is not a good trap to be trapped in.

Daily hardships, the loss of a loved one and setbacks of all kinds are part of the journey of life. You have to survive them and learn with them.

According to an article published in the journal DANA Foundation , concerning the neurobiology of resilience, we would all be in the possibility of developing this capacity.

Our brains are naturally prepared to overcome vital problems. However, we don’t always know how to develop these strategies in accordance with our personality.

We invite you to discover the keys that resilient people use in their daily lives. And the skills they have developed to better manage very common disorders, such as stress and anxiety.

Psychological remedies for resilient people

When we talk about resilience, we immediately think of the traumatic events that radically change our lives: the loss of a loved one, surviving a life-threatening accident or assault, going through an oppressive and threatening episode, etc.

While it is certain that resilience is a very clever strategy to be able to endure large doses of suffering, we must not forget that we are subjected to small things which, every day, make us negative or anxious.

If we do not manage them properly, they will accumulate and cause disorders such as anxiety or depression.

We all have our own battles to fight and our strategies are more or less sharp to deal with them.

However, some people find themselves totally stuck in the face of simple issues. While others cope very easily with problems that seem very complex.

Although we are all different, it is necessary that you have at least one or two basic remedies on which you can rely to face simple problems, as well as particularly complex difficulties.

In the rest of this article, we’ll explain how resilient people behave.

Resilient people know that adversity is not a good trap to be trapped in.

They know their limits and rely on their strengths

Self-knowledge is an important key to facing the difficulties of life.

Knowing what hurts us and what we can tolerate, as well as being aware that our well-being depends on our ability to take care of ourselves, are two essential things.

  • It is possible that your main weakness is that you are in too much pain for others. If you realize it, and if you know that this aspect of your life is hurting you, you have already taken the first step.

They recognize the existence of adversity and the fact that we cannot be immune to it.

Coming into the world, we were not prepared to lose a loved one. And we also didn’t know how to deal with rejection, insults, attacks or manipulation.

But as we opened our eyes to life, it became more and more difficult to understand why these things that no one deserves happen to us.

Accepting good and bad as part of the same whole helps us mentally prepare ourselves to take on many things.

If we persist on the why, on the anger we feel at the death of a loved one, and in the face of this disease that affects us, we will not be able to move forward.

We will be stuck in a devastating phase that is really not worth it.

Resilient people accept good and evil as a whole.

Resilient people know how to live in the here and now

One of the keys to being resilient is to have a full, present and open consciousness on a daily basis.

These are the three pillars defined by the mindfulness meditation technique which are, without a doubt, very useful in bringing us serenity.

  • To live in the present is to enjoy what we have now, without feeling the pains of the past or the uncertainty that hangs over our future.
  • What you smell, what you see and what is enveloping you right now is the main thing.

They don’t try to control the uncontrollable

We cannot go back. We cannot force anyone to continue walking alongside us, and we cannot change what has already happened.

  • Some battles are definitely lost, and we have to accept it. Accepting a disappearance, an accident or a farewell allows things to be slowly let go. Acceptance is the first step in moving forward.
  • Stop trying to control the uncontrollable. It doesn’t mean you have to give up. But it’s just about coming to know that there are battles you have to fight, while there are others that don’t make sense.

They are flexible in the face of change

The image below is very classic, but it is ideal to illustrate our point. Think bamboo: this perennial plant native to China is as hard as it is flexible.

Faced with a violent gust of wind, it bends harmoniously, without ever breaking.

Now think of a wooden mast, caught with its ship in rough seas. Most likely, his harshness and inflexibility will eventually get the better of his integrity. And that it breaks into a thousand pieces. What do we mean by that?

  • Flexible minds, able to adapt to change, are the most resilient. It’s not about holding onto the pain tightly or pretending to be strong.
  • But on the contrary, it is about being aware of your own limits, of all the suffering and all the experiences that we have gone through.
    We have to accept our essence to continue moving forward despite the headwind that hinders us, despite the rain.

Resilient people are not born that way. They learn to develop this part of their brain every day. In addition, they evolve in such a way that they can only move forward. To survive.

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