Stronger Legs With 6 Exercises Without Using Gymnastic Apparatus

Gym apparatus is very useful for getting stronger and more toned legs. However, there are some simple exercises that you can also use at home without the need for specific equipment. Discover today in this article 6 types of exercises to help you strengthen your legs in a simple way and at home.

Devices for doing gymnastics are very useful when you want to work your legs to make them stronger. However, contrary to what many people think, this is not the only way that there is to get good results. You can also choose from a wide variety of exercises that will help you build your legs without the need for specific equipment. Discover today in this article 6 exercises to strengthen your legs in a simple and effective way at home.

Plus, these exercises are extremely easy to perform and can even be done in the comfort of your home. The most important thing is to be consistent and maintain some discipline in the workouts because they don’t give miraculous results overnight.

The great difficulty for most people is the inability to go to the gym to exercise, whether for lack of time or money. Although diet also plays a decisive role in shaping the legs and buttocks, exercise is the only way to strengthen them, to make them even stronger and more beautiful.

Moreover, since these exercises improve circulation, they are also very suitable for reducing imperfections such as varicose veins and cellulite. Best of all, you won’t need to buy devices like gyms, because there are ways to comfortably exercise your legs at home.

Likewise, you should also supplement them with a good diet and healthy habits. Indeed, many factors come into account and are essential if you want to increase and strengthen your muscle mass. Do you want to follow these exercises to strengthen your legs at home? So, discover the 6 best exercises to strengthen your legs at home today!

1. Scissor jumps to strengthen the legs

scissor jumps for stronger legs

To start this first exercise and get stronger legs, you need to perform jumps imitating the scissors. It is an exercise that strengthens the lower muscles while increasing the rate of metabolism to achieve optimal burning of fat located in the legs.

Remember that the legs give the body strength and stability. Practice the following exercises to strengthen your legs and get good results.

What should you do ?

  • Stand up straight with your legs together and your hands at your sides.
  • Make a jump by opening your legs to the sides and at the same time raise your hands above your head.
  • Return to the starting position with another jump and do 15 or 20 repetitions in a row.

2. Elevation of the heels to strengthen the legs

When performing this second exercise, you need to raise the heels to strengthen the legs. Indeed, we often ignore the work of the calves. Although you can also build muscle with general activities, it is best to perform a localized exercise to strengthen all the muscles in the legs.

The effectiveness of these exercises will depend on your determination, as it is essential to be consistent. In addition to shaping your body, you will gain more stability and improve your overall health as well.

What should you do ?

  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart and your hands extended forward.
  • Then lift your heels off the ground and try to stay on your tiptoes for 20 or 30 seconds.
  • Return to the starting position, rest and do 4 repetitions in a row.

3. “Gun” squats to strengthen the legs

pistol squats for stronger legs

To increase the difficulty of squats and strengthen your workouts to tone your legs, you can try these “pistol” squats. This exercise requires more physical endurance than the traditional method, but it will work the muscle groups in the legs as well as the glutes.

What should you do ?

  • Stand up straight, keeping your legs slightly apart.
  • Support one hand with the other hand in front of the chest or place them behind the neck.
  • Then bring one of the legs forward and perform the squat movement.
  • Try to lower yourself down as much as possible without putting too much pressure on the knees.
  • Do 10 reps in a row before switching legs and repeat this exercise.

4. Burpees to strengthen the legs

The movements performed through burpees help to burn the fat accumulated in areas such as the abdomen and hips. On top of that, these exercises work a large amount of muscles, including the glutes and quads.

The abdomen is one of the areas of the body that we prefer to constantly work on, not only because the muscles tend to lose their firmness, but also because it is one of the parts of the body that accumulates the most fat. .

If you are not used to exercising, it is essential to do them gradually, without straining your body too much so as not to cause lesions. Over time, you will be able to increase the intensity of your workouts.

What should you do ?

  • Stand in a squatting position with your hands on the floor.
  • From this position, stretch your legs back and then return to the starting position.
  • Then stand up and do a vertical jump, raising your hands above your head.
  • Clap your hands together, lower yourself into a squatting position again, and repeat the exercise.
  • Perform 15 repetitions in a row.

5. Contraction of the quadriceps to strengthen the legs

To perform this quadriceps contraction exercise, all you need is a chair or an elevated surface. With practice, you will get stronger and more toned legs. In addition, this exercise will also help you relax the muscles and reactivate the blood circulation in the legs.

What should you do ?

  • Sit in a chair with your back straight and your legs straight forward.
  • Lean down, keeping your hands at your sides, and lift one of the legs forward.
  • Contract the quadriceps for 5 seconds and lower the leg with a slow motion.
  • Finally, repeat this exercise with the other leg and perform 12 repetitions with each of them.

6. Elevation of the abductors to strengthen the legs

There are many activities that work the abductors. However, we offer you with this last exercise a simple and effective way to achieve them. It is a low impact exercise that can strengthen the legs while improving blood circulation and fighting cellulite.

What should you do ?

  • Lie on a mat on the floor, one leg over the other.
  • Support yourself on the forearm, then lift the leg on the same side towards the ceiling.
  • Lower it with a slow motion and perform 12 reps in a row.
  • Finally, switch sides and repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Do you dare to do these exercises to get stronger, slender legs while staying at home? If you don’t have time to hit the gym, these exercises are a great option for staying in great shape. Practice them on a regular basis to start noticing results after several weeks.

To build your legs properly, you obviously have to do exercises on a regular basis. Although most people’s attention is on the upper body (thighs, abdomen, arms), the legs deserve the same, if not more, attention. Having well-toned legs allows you to walk longer without getting tired and without pain or stiffness.

The success of this short but comprehensive program depends on how consistently you apply it. The ideal is to perform these exercises every day and also supplement them with a healthy diet. Although eating habits play a major role, it is essential to adopt activities that specifically work on the legs. This will allow you to maintain healthy muscle mass and at the same time maintain firm and elastic skin.

Before starting your exercise routine to strengthen the muscles of the legs, be aware of the effort and consistency that this workout involves . It’s not about losing fat, it’s about building muscle.

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