Discover The Best Infusions To Lose Belly

The genetic question can be decisive concerning the accumulation of fat in the abdominal part. If you have a family history, you should pay attention to these eating habits and get exercise.

In this article, we will explain everything about herbal teas to lose belly fat.

Even though we hate to see how fat accumulates in certain parts of our body, we cannot forget that it serves two important purposes for our body. Act as a thermal insulator and as an energy reserve.

However, fat must be distributed in a fair and balanced way in our body.

The amount and place occupied by fat on our figure are very important, and it is therefore essential to take into account all the fat that accumulates in the belly.

On the one hand, it is not very aesthetic, and on the other hand, it is also dangerous.

It must be controlled, because it can reach dangerous levels, and in particular cause heart problems and other diseases.

The fat located in the belly can be reduced with the help of a suitable diet, aerobic exercises and some supplements that can be taken on a daily basis, such as “reducing” infusions.

Why do I accumulate fat and how can “reducing” herbal teas help me?

Tips for losing belly fat.

According to the Massachusetts General Hospital in the United States, abdominal fat causes loss of bone mineral density, which increases the risk of developing osteoporosis.

That is to say that when we start to notice that our belly swells a little more than usual, we immediately think of the aesthetic problem, and of the pants in which we will no longer fit, while it there are much more serious issues to consider.

Fat in the abdominal area can even cause migraines and headaches.

So, consider the reasons why we store fat in this place:

  • Lack of exercise : Sedentarism is the worst enemy for our health and the main factor in the accumulation of fats and toxins in our body.
  • Unhealthy diet : ingestion of junk food, sweets, cakes, carbonated sodas and high consumption of carbohydrates, causes an annoying accumulation of fat in the abdomen.
  • Hormones : There are people who suffer from small alterations in their hormones, which generates metabolic problems, and difficulties in the transformation of fatty acids, hence the weight gain.
  • Genetics : This aspect determines almost 50% of the fat that we accumulate in the abdomen.
    According to researchers at the Sanford Burnham Institute in the United States, the physical characteristics of our family members tend to be the determining factor in the accumulation of fat in the abdominal region.
    If you see that your mother or aunts have this problem, be aware of it as soon as possible and take care of your eating habits, while avoiding sedentary lifestyle.
  • Stress : When we suffer from stress, the adrenal glands start releasing different hormones like adrenaline and cortisol.
    It is usual for the presence of cortisol in the blood to promote the formation of fat in the body. This is a process called “lipogenesis”.

The benefits of medicinal plants for losing belly

  • Purify the body.
  • Speed ​​up metabolism.
  • Diuretics.
  • Digestive.
  • Rich in ascorbic acid, a powerful antioxidant that removes fat, fat, dead or damaged cells and tissue, and replaces them with new ones, providing more muscle firmness.
  • Lower blood sugar levels and decrease the body’s resistance to insulin.
  • Reduce appetite.
  • They reduce fluid buildup and tissue inflammation.
  • They calm anxiety.

The best “reducing” herbal teas for a flat stomach

Take into account that these infusions alone will not help you lose weight.

They are a daily supplement to a varied and balanced diet, where it is also necessary to include “healthy fats” such as blue fish.

Also keep in mind that in order to lose belly fat, you need to exercise regularly.

The result is worth it and at the same time you will take care of your health!

1. Jamaican flower infusion to lose belly

Jamaican flower is one of the best natural herbs for losing belly and getting a flat stomach.

It is rich in antioxidants, it eliminates fat, it renews tissues and strengthens muscles.

You can find it in natural stores or herbalists.


  • 10 grams of Jamaican flower (in herbalists, it is found in sachets, ready to use)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Bring the glass of water to the boil. When it boils, add the Jamaica flower and cook for 15 minutes.
  • When the time is up, turn off the heat and let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Filter the contents and drink it twice a day, for 10 days, and rest for 5 days.
  • Jamaica infusion can also be taken cold and served with ice cubes.
    It is delicious and has a very pleasant red color.

2. Cinnamon and bay leaf infusion


  • A sprig of cinnamon (3 g)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


As always, start boiling water, and then add the cinnamon stick and bay leaves.

Leave to infuse for 20 minutes then rest for 10 minutes, before filtering all the contents to obtain the infusion alone.

Drink it every morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. Rest for a week and start over.

3. The infusion of sage, honey and lemon to lose belly


  • 15g fresh or dried sage
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of a lemon
  • A spoonful of honey (25 g)


Make an infusion with water, sage and honey for 20 minutes.

Once the time is up, let sit for 15 minutes and filter all the contents.

Then you can add the lemon juice. Drink this medicinal water throughout the day, as it is one of the best “reducing” herbal teas.

You can take the treatment for 5 days and rest for the next 5 days. You will see that it will bring you good results!

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