Why Is It Important For Children To Play Outdoors?

Don’t leave your children in front of their screens: allow them to have a good time in nature!

Children of the 21st century are immersed in technology and stop playing outdoors. For some parents, it is also practical to leave them locked up rather than going out with them so that they can play sports and enjoy contact with nature.

Play is essential in a child’s life. However, in cities, more and more children stop playing outside. Consequently, it deprives them of many contributions for their physical, mental and emotional health.

Children spend most of their free time watching television or playing video games. In addition, it is more comfortable for parents to have their children at home or in their bedroom. Indeed, they can let them play without needing to supervise them. Our comfort deprived children of the joy of playing outdoors.

In addition, today’s children often develop addictions to video games and electronic devices. Of course, this is a reality that concerns children in big cities more; the impact is not the same for children living in small towns or closer to the countryside.

Contact with nature

outdoor games are beneficial for children

The lack of contact with nature that we experience in the 21st century, adults and children alike, has led psychologists to speak of the existence of “nature deficit disorder”. Indeed, this discomfort is associated with problems such as lack of concentration, hyperactivity, obesity, depression and anxiety.

In addition, the way to remedy this evil is very simple: it is enough to allow the children to reconnect with nature. The simple act of breathing fresh air, walking on the lawn, running among the trees, smelling flowers or enjoying the flight of birds are fundamental experiences in the lives of children.

Playing outdoors allows them to relax and reconnect with tranquility. Indeed, it keeps them away from the hyper connectivity of electronic devices and online games. Outdoor play therefore improves their ability to pay attention and concentrate, which is fundamental in order to promote good academic results.

This also applies to adults

No need to wait until the kids are old enough to play outside; from an early age, they can benefit from contact with nature. Even when sleeping, your baby will enjoy a walk in a park, natural area or garden.

These very pleasant sensations will then be engraved in his memory forever. That’s why children will love to play outside as they grow older. There they will be in contact with the sun, the wind, the smells and sounds of nature.

In addition, nature allows children to discover new situations and learn new things. On the other hand, parents also benefit from contact with nature.  As adults, it allows us to free ourselves from stress. Thus, we rest mentally and share pleasant moments of pleasure with our children. Also, we go out as a family, which strengthens the bond of love that unites us to our children.

The advantages of outdoor play

Outdoor games report many benefits for babies, children and adolescents. Of course, this requires parents to be careful to avoid accidents. If children are going to play in a very large park, beach or field, supervision is also necessary to prevent them from getting lost.

  • Children play with a sense of freedom, even when they are under the supervision of their parents. It’s a different experience than playing at home.
  • Outdoor play improves the physical development of children, and also allows them to play sports: they run, jump and develop new skills.
  • Physical activity allows them to free themselves from energies and tensions. This way, they come home much more relaxed and sleep better.
  • Playing outside can also help children prevent the risk of obesity. Indeed, they burn many calories in a natural and healthy way.
  • Outdoor play fuels the imagination and creativity. Children develop new hobbies and can play with a branch or a stone.
  • Contact with nature strengthens the immune system. Children become more resistant to all types of bacteria and to dust.
  • Children learn to adapt to different weather conditions, changing from sun to rain and wind.
  • Contact with the sun is essential for the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, which promotes healthy bone growth.
  • Getting in touch with other children promotes socialization. This allows you to cultivate new friendships, but also to learn to manage the emotions and conflicts that may arise.
  • The possibility of camping, for teenagers, not only allows contact with nature, but also invites them to take on new responsibilities.

outdoor activities

Final reflection

Playing outside is a great opportunity to spend time with the family. There is no doubt that parents and children, and even other family members will benefit from these gatherings in the shade of a tree, near the course of a river or while camping in the mountains.

Finally, organize family projects that can allow your children to enjoy nature and share precious moments of meeting and sharing with their loved ones. All the effort is worth it!

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