Home Remedies For Callus

The feet are the part of the body that suffers the most. Calluses form to protect sensitive tissue from friction and pressure.

In this article, we are going to give you the home remedies for callus!

The feet are very sophisticated structures. The human foot is a marvel of engineering that can cope with multiple uses that wear it out all the time.

This is a good thing, because indeed, the feet are the most used parts of our body, and they are constantly abused. Even if they are extremely well done, one can have problems with this part of the body.

In fact, most adults suffer from foot pain. The most common problems are calluses and other calluses, a hardening of the skin to protect the sensitive tissue of the foot from repeated friction and pressure.

Home remedies for callus

Baking soda

This is one of the best ways to treat calluses and other calluses. Just soak them in lukewarm water. This helps soften the dead skin to help us heal.

Add three spoons of baking soda to a container with lukewarm water. You can then dip your feet in it.

You can also massage your calluses with a paste made on purpose. To make it, you will need to take three parts of baking soda for one part of water.

Chamomile tea

Tea against callus.

Soaking your feet in diluted chamomile tea can be very relaxing for the whole body. This foot bath will momentarily change the pH of your skin to help dry out sweaty feet.

Tea stains the feet, but these stains can be easily removed with soap and water.

Corn starch

Sprinkle cornstarch on your toes: this will keep this area dry and protect the skin which will not break down.

Moisture can make a callus or callus worse, and can even make fungal infections easier.

The vinegar

Dip a cotton ball in vinegar, then tie it with a ribbon on a callus or on a callus. Leave this cotton ball filled with vinegar overnight. In the morning, rub the area with a pumice stone.

Home remedies from the drawer for callus

Pumice stone

Powder and pumice stones are used to wash stoves, but they are also very useful for removing dead skin. After soaking your feet in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes, use a pumice stone to rub off those calluses and calluses.

Home remedies from the freezer for callus

Ice cubes

Hard calluses can be especially painful. If you find yourself facing this type of callus, you will need to apply an ice pack to this area. This will help reduce the swelling and relieve the pain a bit.

Home remedies from the fridge for callus

Lemon juice

Lemon for the calluses.

You can make a paste with easy mixing. Just take a tablespoon of lemon juice and 5 or 6 crushed aspirin tablets.

Apply this paste directly to the callus, and then cover your foot with a plastic bag. Hold your foot like this for ten minutes,  as that’s the time it takes for the acidity to soften your callus.

Then rub that callus with a pumice stone!

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