6 Tips For Removing Tomato Sauce Stains

Of course, a tomato sauce stain on clothing does not represent the end of the world. In addition, the few tips that we give you here will help you remove these stains without leaving any traces.

Some stains are easy to remove, and others much less. This is the case with tomato sauce stains on clothes … No matter the type of product (canned food, sauce, fresh tomato, ketchup, etc.), tomato sauce stains seem invincible. Faced with this observation, the only option we have left is resignation.

However, there are some very effective tips for removing tomato sauce stains from clothing permanently. If you are fed up with no longer wearing an item of clothing because of a tomato sauce stain that you failed to remove, this article is for you. We give you six tips here!

1. Speed

If you act quickly, you will prevent the pigments from the tomato from permeating the fabric. Tomato sauce stains are much more difficult to remove when dry.

  • If you have just stained your garment, immediately remove any leftover tomato sauce with a spoon. Do not rub!
  • Remove the garment, turn it over and apply a good spray of cold water to the stain.
  • Hand wash your garment with dish soap or soap.

If you can’t clean the stain right away, because you’re at a restaurant or can’t wash your garment, try one of the following tips.

2. Sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide

You can remove tomato sauce stains from your clothes by mixing these two ingredients: sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide.

  • First, mix the sodium bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide so as to obtain a paste.
  • Then, simply spread the paste on the stain and let it act for about ten minutes.
  • Finally, rinse the garment and put it in the machine as usual. Make sure you follow the instructions on the garment label.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

hydrogen peroxide to remove tomato sauce stains

The hydrogen peroxide is a foolproof trick to clean the cotton fabric.

We sometimes have the feeling that the tomato is able to penetrate the cotton more easily, thus damaging the garment for good. Nevertheless, you can save your garment thanks to this trick. We explain how to do this below.

  • After applying cold water to the stain, rub gently.
  • Then rub a piece of cotton wool previously soaked in hydrogen peroxide on the stain.
  • For best results, pour physiological saline over the stain and let it dry.
  • Machine wash the garment as usual. Make sure you follow the instructions on the clothing label.

4. Lemon

A stain of tomato sauce threatens to ruin your favorite sweater? If your sweater is made of wool, know that you can use lemon juice : it is a powerful ally in removing tomato sauce stains from woolen clothes.

Follow the guidelines below.

  • First, put a little salt on the stain and rub gently.
  • Then soak a cotton ball in lemon juice and rub gently again.
  • Rinse the garment and wash it in cold water.

5. White vinegar

white vinegar to remove tomato sauce stains

When it comes to cleaning your home, white vinegar is a classic. But that’s not the only virtue of white vinegar… White vinegar is also a very effective product for removing stains from synthetic fabrics.

Follow the directions below.

  • First, dilute a few drops of white vinegar in a glass of water.
  • Then simply apply the mixture to the stain and rub gently.
  • Finally, rinse the garment in cold water, then wash the garment in the machine, following the instructions on the garment label.

6. Tomato sauce stains: what not to do

Now you know what to do to remove tomato sauce stains from your clothes! But be careful, it’s also important to know what not to do if you don’t want to ruin your garment for good.

  • When tomato sauce gets stranded on your garment, never rub off any leftover tomato sauce. It is best to limit the extent of the stain. To do this, scoop up the residue with a spoon.
  • Do not use your dryer if the stain has not completely disappeared. The reason is as follows: the heat may further fix the tomato residue in the fabric, and the stain will be even more difficult to remove.

As you may have seen, removing tomato sauce stains from clothes is quite easy. You just need to act quickly and follow the advice we give you here.

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