Healthy Weight Loss: It’s All About Dinner

If you are one of those people who skip breakfast, try to eat less in the evening to be hungrier in the morning, and do the full of energy from the first hour to better face the day.

There is a surprising way to lose weight in a gradual and healthy way: controlling dinner.

In this article, we will tell you how and why we can easily lose weight by choosing the right dinner.

Why the dinner?

We always hear that we should have a king’s breakfast, a prince’s lunch and a poor man’s dinner, because that’s how we should ration our meals.

Based on our energy expenditure, we can conclude that the more the day progresses, the less energy we need , unless we have a more nocturnal rhythm of life.

If we start to cut back on the amount of food we eat for dinner or eat dinner earlier, we will likely be hungrier in the morning and be able to have a little more breakfast, if we weren’t already.

That way, even if we ingested the same amount at the end of the day, everything will be different if it is distributed this way. Our body will balance its weight in a natural way.

There is another reason to eat less during dinner.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the gallbladder and liver function and regenerate between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. These are two fundamental organs for digestion that condition our way of assimilating food.

During this period, our body must have already carried out digestion, so it would be ideal to have dinner at 8 p.m. at the latest.

How much ?

Soup with a piece of bread for dinner.

The quantity depends on the people and their pace of life, but the most important thing is not to be hungry, without overdoing it. We have to learn to find the point where we are no longer hungry.

However, many people continue to eat after that because they have food on their plate. To finish off the leftovers, out of gluttony, because of stress, because we are not careful, to enjoy a little whim for dessert, etc.

If you can stop eating then, you won’t gain weight, ease your digestion, and reduce the size of your belly , which tends to swell when you eat too much.

Choose foods that fill us up for dinner

Mixed salad for dinner.

Choosing foods that fill us up allows us not to overeat. These foods are rich in water and fiber, they allow us to feel full easily while being easy to digest.

These foods are mainly of plant origin. You can incorporate seaweed like wakame, agar-agar, kombu, sea spaghetti, spirulina, klamath etc. in your diet. You can add them to soups, or for agar-agar, make delicious, healthy desserts.

What dishes to prepare to be full for dinner?

  • fried vegetables (broccoli, carrot strips, mushrooms, corn, hard-boiled egg)
  • vegetable and oat cream with kombu seaweed
  • sprouted seed salad with apples and avocados
  • Andalusian gazpacho
  • hummus (mashed chickpeas) or guacamole with carrots and sliced ​​cucumbers
  • vegetable and quinoa soup
  • spinach with raisins and pine nuts
  • pumpkin soup with wakame seaweed and curry
  • cold salad of peas and chicken
  • sweet agar-agar jelly with cinnamon and apples

And for those who are very hungry?

Some people want to have dinner less or earlier, but can’t because they work all day or for other reasons. It is precisely when they return home in the evening that they can eat in peace.

We recommend that these people take a snack three hours before dinner so that they can eat the above dishes without excess.

This snack should also be healthy. Let us cite a few examples:

  • fruit or natural juice
  • dried fruits (nuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.)
  • dried fruits (dates, prunes, apricots, etc.)
  • small wholemeal bread sticks
  • fresh cheese and quince
  • full sandwich

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