Don’t Get Hung Up On Those Who Ignore You

Sometimes we are so blind that we cannot see how others can manipulate and take advantage of us for their own benefit.

It is said that the more you ignore a person, the more interested they will be. Sometimes it works. Maybe because we like this back-and-forth game in which one is the cat and the other the mouse.

However… What happens when it hurts us?

We tend to “hang on” to someone who just disappears or manipulates us. Who gives no sign of life. Who does not show us interest. When that person appears again, you feel relieved and what binds you becomes stronger.

Warning ! Open your eyes. You may be dealing with an emotional manipulator.

Stop going astray

Manipulating others can be easier than you think.

When someone pleases us, we go astray. Suddenly we start to see signs that we are interpreting as we want or need to be.

This fuels our belief that the person we are attracted to also feels it for us, that they are worried about us, that they want to formalize the situation… although they ignore us.

Do not rush. This is what you want to see. However, why don’t you try to see things from another point of view?

  • The person only contacts you when they want to. When it is not, it does not show any sign of life. So this person is using you.
  • She postponed a date you were having together to be with her friends or do something else she liked more, so she doesn’t like you as much as you think.
  • You’ve ever found yourself hanging in a conversation because you’re not her priority. She doesn’t even bother to leave you a simple goodbye sentence.

You may justify it with sentences like “she needs her own space”, “she doesn’t want to feel suffocated”, “she is very independent”…

These excuses do nothing but damage your dignity.

Look reality in the face: it only manipulates you

Manipulate others

It’s time to take off that blindfold that prevents you from seeing reality in the face. Even if first, you must verify that you are not a dependent person.

This need to be by their side, to be important to someone, leads you to be submissive and accept attitudes that you would never recommend to a friend.

So now is the time to observe. So analyze everything.

In this way, you will be able to remove the blindfold you have in front of your eyes.

His words and his actions disturb you

Have you ever tried to talk to her about your feelings? To reveal to him what is so deep that it eats away at you from the inside. Or just tell that person how much you love them.

This is a situation that does not arise because that person is doing everything possible to manipulate and direct the conversation to other topics.

However, sometimes she says words to you instead or acts in a way that leaves you speechless.

An “I adore you”, “you are the only one”… This deceives you and keeps you in this coming and going to which you cling even more.

Tenderness only when she feels like it

You too need tenderness and yet you do not receive it from him when you need to. It only happens when the other person wants it.

Despite this, you need to stay alert. If when you get angry she becomes very cuddly, she may be manipulating you so as not to get lost.

Manipulate others by following only our desires.

She causes you to have little self-confidence

The right people give us security. When the opposite happens,  it may be necessary to run away.

Surely you feel safe. When you are with this person, you feel good, happy, content, joyful … As long as you don’t try to show your feelings or think about how much you are upset about all the things that are happening. ‘she tells you.

Not speaking clearly, not communicating or not knowing what we want will cause us great insecurity.

She doesn’t like you to take initiatives

Let’s come back to the subject of dates. You may not realize that when you suggest a date, the excuses begin.

What happens when it is he / she who offers to see you? As you must have already noticed, the situation is not the same. She doesn’t like you to take the initiative.

Manipulate others by giving them little importance.

Being on a tightrope is very exciting, until it starts to hurt. To do this, you have to speak clearly and not let others play with us and manipulate you.

Sometimes it’s our fault. You don’t want to see her ignoring you, not showing interest in you, using you.

However, the question now is… Do you prefer to face reality or turn your back on it?

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