Fight Kidney Stones With Ginger And Turmeric Infusion

The mixture of ginger and turmeric can be of great use in combating kidney stones, as long as they are not used. have not yet grown too large.

The kidneys are the organs responsible for filtering toxins and impurities from the blood and then expelling them through urine.

Its functions are decisive in the detoxification process of our body. They are therefore essential to our health.

Kidney stones are one of the conditions that these organs can develop.

These are small, solid clots formed by substances found in the urine. They can be tiny, like grains of sand, or as big as pearls.

Kidney stones are made up of minerals and proteins held in the kidneys. They cause dangerous obstructions in the urinary tract. Said obstructions can in particular cause  severe pain, blockages of urine.  They therefore affect the quality of life of the person who suffers from them.

Kidney stones often form without warning. They quickly become dangerous to health and difficult to treat as soon as they get bigger.

Sometimes surgery may be needed to remove them. However, there are home remedies that help dissolve them.

We will therefore present below the recipe for an infusion with ginger and turmeric, two anti-inflammatory and depurative ingredients, capable of fighting against kidney stones.

Ginger and turmeric infusion to fight kidney stones

The natural ginger and turmeric drink is a great supplement to fight kidney stones, as long as their size remains moderate.

These two ingredients are rich in active substances which make it possible to boost renal purification and the elimination of wastes which contribute to the formation of clots.

The benefits of ginger

Ginger root is a natural ingredient that has been used since ancient times for its richness in anti-inflammatory compounds, analgesics and detoxifying substances.

It is often part of the recipes intended to treat digestive disorders, because it is carminative, antibacterial and diuretic.

It is an effective remedy for diseases that affect the urinary system, among which are all those that affect kidney health.

Gingerol, its active compound, painlessly and effectively destroys small clots that can block the urinary tract.

The benefits of turmerickidney stones

Turmeric is one of the most recommended spices for detoxifying the blood and improving kidney health.

Its active ingredient, curcumin, gives it antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which can be useful in the treatment of a wide variety of pathologies.

For hundreds of years, it has been used as a remedy to cleanse the kidneys, as it reduces inflammation, eliminates toxins and promotes the destruction of stones formed by salts and proteins.

It has a protective effect on the urinary tract, not only because it prevents their obstruction, but also because it forms a protective barrier against bacteria and viruses that cause infections.

How to prepare ginger and turmeric infusion for kidney stones?

The natural infusion of ginger and turmeric is an ancestral drink which serves as a complement to pharmacological treatments intended to fight against kidney disease.

The two ingredients help reduce inflammation that affects these organs, while promoting the destruction of clots that cause pain and prevent urination.

Thanks to its fabulous nutritional composition, it is a remedy which, among other things, is beneficial for the circulatory health, the cardiovascular system and the joints.

Consuming it regularly can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and significantly improve cognitive health.


  • 1 piece of ginger root (about 2.5 cm)
  • 1 teaspoon of ground turmeric (5 g)
  • 1/2 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon of organic honey (25 g) (optional)

How should you proceed?

  • Put the water to heat in a saucepan. When it reaches its boiling point, pour it into a container with the ginger root and turmeric powder.
  • Let the mixture sit for 10 to 15 minutes, so that the extracts of the ingredients concentrate well.
  • After this time, pass the liquid through a Chinese, then pour yourself into a cup. Sweeten it with honey if you like.
  • Consume this mixture every day, preferably on an empty stomach.


  • This drink is not recommended for patients with liver disease.
  • It can also be counterproductive for people affected by ulcers, gastritis or irritable bowel syndrome.
  • If you are undergoing any pharmacological treatment, the best thing to do is to consult a specialist, to determine if its properties interfere with the effects of the drugs.

Finally, it is essential to insist on the fact that this remedy is only a supplement to fight against kidney stones. Even if it is effective, you should always follow your doctor’s recommendations as a priority.

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