Home Remedies For Constipation

Did you know that you can regulate your transit and end constipation problems with natural home remedies? Find out which ones in the rest of this article.

Constipation is one of the most common and bothersome digestive problems out there! All over the world, many people suffer from it. This is a problem that can occur at any age. So that’s why we are going to give you some home remedies.

You will see, they can prove to be very useful in dealing with this suffering. In addition, their effects are felt very early. You will therefore be relieved almost immediately!

Drink plenty of water to fight constipation

This liquid is the best remedy for relieving constipation. It is important to drink around 8 glasses of water per day.

In addition, our body is made up of about 80% water, which means that all the organs in our body depend on it. It helps us transport nutrients to each of our cells.

In addition, water provides the necessary hydration for our intestines to make stools less hard. We can therefore expel them much more easily.

Eat more foods rich in fiber

Broccoli and home remedies.

If we seek to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber, our body will be provided with the ability to prevent constipation. Unfortunately, if this problem is already present, then we will need to consume as much of this kind of food as possible.

These home remedies will allow us to cure the problem. It is therefore essential to eat two or three servings of fruits, vegetables and legumes every day.

We are now going to introduce you to a group of foods that, when eaten regularly, can be of great help in preventing constipation. Likewise, they protect you from many problems related to the digestive system.

Here they are :

  • Beans. Generally, all legumes are foods that provide high amounts of fiber and protein. In addition, they contain very low amounts of fat, so we can say that they are perfect substitutes for meat.
  • Broccoli. Besides being rich in fiber, it contains great natural antibiotic properties. It is also known to have anti-cancer properties.
  • Fruits  like figs, prunes, apricots, etc. offer us great relief in case of constipation. Indeed, their stimulating action acts on the intestine, and the evacuation of stool is then much easier.
  • Nuts and raw seeds such as sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and chestnuts, are very healthy thanks to the amounts of fiber they contain. In addition, they also have protein, vitamin E and calcium.
  • Cherries contain ellagic acid. It is a compound that has anti-cancer properties. Cherries are very effective in relieving constipation, and they are also used in treatments to cleanse the kidneys.
  • Bananas have a lot of fiber. They stimulate digestion, which is very important to avoid constipation.
  • The apple  is rich in fiber. The pectins they contain stimulate the proper functioning of the intestines. Apple cider vinegar can be a fabulous natural laxative! It is then necessary to consume two tablespoons in half a glass of water before breakfast.
  • Carrot is rich in beta-carotene. It is a natural detoxifier rich in fiber. It helps to stimulate the proper functioning of the intestines, which provides easy bowel movement.
  • Green vegetables like spinach, cauliflower, etc. provide our body with lots of vitamins and minerals. These two elements are essential for the proper functioning of the body!

Drink fresh juices!

Fruit juices as home remedies.

Drinking vegetable juices and fresh fruit juices is recommended to improve constipation problems. In addition to being pleasant, it is really very effective!

Indeed, these homemade juices are much healthier. They contain high amounts of antioxidants, and let’s not forget that these are essential in helping the body eliminate the toxins that build up.

This is especially true when we cannot defecate regularly.

Consume healthy oils

It is very important to use healthy oils when preparing food. These oils can be, for example, that of coconut or that of olive.

They also help fight against constipation since they stimulate digestion. They offer us effective relief from gas and other inconveniences that arise when suffering from this problem.

Consume probiotics regularly

Bananas, tomatoes, garlic, onion and asparagus contain probiotics. These provide us with good intestinal and digestive function, which is very useful for eliminating intestinal waste regularly and in a much easier way.

Cleanse the colon with oxygen home remedies

Cleansing the colon with oxygen-based products is scientifically proven to help relieve constipation. It also helps cleanse the body of toxins that accumulate in the intestine.

The use of these home remedies is very rare, yet it is the safest way to cleanse the colon because it does not harm the digestive tract. Indeed, these home remedies are much milder than common laxatives!

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