3 Lemon Remedies To Fight Uric Acid

If you suffer from excess uric acid, or someone in your family has it, you should know that it is a very difficult problem to treat. Medicines often have unwanted side effects. To combat uric acid, i t is important that you complete the intake of medication by adopting healthy habits, such as better food or consumption of home remedies simple and effective.

An improvement in your quality of life will always result in a reduction in your body’s uric acid number.

This is very important data to prevent the occurrence of pathologies such as gout for example.

We offer you natural and simple home remedies, based on lemon, which will allow you to face this problem on a daily basis. Take careful note!

Lemon to fight uric acid

Lemon helps fight uric acid

Prominent doctors like Ronald Hoffman, a benchmark in the field of alternative medicine, tell us that lemon is such a medicinal fruit that we should never do without it.

It is particularly effective in combating high uric acid indices. We will explain all its benefits to you.

  • As you already know, uric acid causes the appearance of excess purines. These are harmful elements which, if not eliminated properly, end up causing clots and small stones in our body, which attach themselves to our joints and inflame them.
  • The formation of these crystals is due to the presence of an acidic environment. A good way to avoid the occurrence of this phenomenon is to alkalinize our body regularly, and lemon is there to help us.
  • Lemon, in fact, promotes the formation of calcium carbonate, a substance that neutralizes acids, such as uric acid.
  • In addition, lemon is a purifying and disinfectant fruit, which allows us to eliminate all the harmful elements that our body does not need. It is a very effective antiseptic, an excellent astringent and a formidable antioxidant.

We will explain to you how this miraculous fruit can help you fight uric acid on a daily basis.

1. Lemon infusion with honey

The infusion of honey and lemon helps fight uric acid.

How can lemon honey infusion help you fight uric acid?

Many people are surprised by the information we have given you. Most people think of lemon to be a very sour citrus fruit. Honey, even though it has a negative pH, is also one of the foods that are beneficial against uric acid.

How is it possible ? Quite simply because when our body digests these foods, they generate an ideal alkaline environment so that our body can eliminate purines in peace.

  • To benefit from this association between honey and lemon, we suggest you make a very simple infusion, which you can drink throughout the day.
  • Ingredients:
    • 1 liter of water
    • 1 lemon
    • 3 tablespoons of honey (60 g)
  • How to prepare it?
    • Put a liter of water to boil. Once your water is hot, add the juice of a lemon and its rind. Wait for the mixture to come to a boil again, then cook for at least 20 minutes. After this time, filter the contents and add 3 tablespoons of honey.

Drink a first cup of this infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, just after getting up. Consume it preferably lukewarm. Then drink another cup 15 minutes after your lunch.

Use another in the afternoon, always at room temperature, before consuming a last one half an hour after your dinner.

In this way, you will constantly fight the level of uric acid in your body.

2. Apple and lemon tea

How can lemon apple tea help you fight uric acid?

You should know that the apple is a fruit that is also very effective in fighting uric acid.

Most of this harmful substance is produced in our digestive process, when we metabolize the purines in the meats or fish we eat.

  • Do you know how apple and lemon can help us during this digestion? Quite simply by stimulating our production of hydrochloric acid, which is ideal for generating an alkaline context conducive to the correct elimination of uric acid.
  • To benefit from it, we recommend that you consume a green apple for breakfast every morning. After consuming your lunch, we suggest you prepare yourself a delicious tea made with apple, cinnamon and lemon.
  • Ingredients
    • 1 apple
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • The peel of half a lemon
    • A stick of cinnamon
  • How to prepare it?
    • You just have to cut an apple in four (with its skin), and cook it with the glass of water and the lemon peel.
      Add a piece of cinnamon stick, and cook everything for about twenty minutes. Then, filter the contents of your tea and drink it little by little.
      You will stimulate your salivary process, which will promote your digestion. Do not add any sweetening product.

3. The strawberry and lemon smoothie

Strawberry Lemon Smoothie helps fight uric acid.

How can strawberry lemon smoothie help you fight uric acid?

This drink is highly recommended if, in addition to a high uric acid number, you suffer from gout or arthritis-related problems.

  • Strawberries are an ideal anti-inflammatory food for fighting many diseases. It is considered a natural aspirin, perfect for relieving joint pain, for relieving the processes associated with gout and for purifying our entire body.
  • Strawberries are also excellent diuretic foods, which therefore promote the elimination of uric acid.
  • Do you want to know how to prepare this delicious strawberry lemon drink? Nothing’s easier !
  • Ingredients
    • 10 strawberries
    • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
    • The juice of half a lemon
  • How to prepare this smoothie?
    • Clean the 10 strawberries well then put them to boil in the equivalent of a glass of water. Once they are soft, you can turn off the heat and add the juice of half a lemon. Then mix this mixture well until you obtain a homogeneous texture.
      You can add a few ice cubes to enjoy a refreshing and healthy drink, ideal to help you digest after your breakfasts. How about trying it out now?

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