6 Warning Signs Of Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver disease is closely linked to obesity, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Although it is difficult to detect, certain symptoms can give signs of the presence of this disease.

Its scientific name is fatty liver, although it is popularly known as fatty liver. It can be caused by excessive alcohol consumption or a metabolic syndrome like diabetes or high blood pressure. Check out the main signs of this disease below.

What is fatty liver disease?

When fat accumulates in the liver cells, we can suffer from fatty liver disease. This pathology is closely linked to obesity, hypercholesterolemia and hypertension. In many cases, fat cells fill with fat and “pass” the excess to nearby organs.

It is important to know that the liver performs vital functions: it produces proteins, regulates fat metabolism, removes toxins from the blood and controls the amount of amino acids at a general level. Therefore, it is essential to keep it in good condition.

There are certain risk factors that predispose a person to this disease:

  • Middle aged women
  • Overweight people
  • Patients with diabetes or high cholesterol
  • Bad eating habits
  • Alcohol addiction problems

Warning signs of fatty liver disease

what is fatty liver disease?

The bad news is that in most cases fatty liver disease is asymptomatic. This means that until the person is actually affected, it is difficult to detect them. There are three tests used to diagnose this disease:

  • Blood tests (to know the level of transaminases)
  • Ultrasound (the bigger the liver, the more severe the disease)
  • Biopsies (to know the degree of suffering)

Some patients have symptoms or suffer from certain health problems that may be related to steatosis:

1. Abdominal pain

The discomfort or “point” is felt in the center or upper right part of the abdomen. It has nothing to do with a one-time activity or effort. It can appear after eating because the stomach is growing and pressing on the enlarged liver.

2. Abdominal swelling

Ascites is the presence of fluid between the visceral and parietal peritoneum, and results from liver disease. Signs of this problem are abdominal distension, indigestion, lower back pain, and difficulty breathing. Edema of the ankles can also occur.

3. Indigestion

If anything that is consumed (even if it is healthy or in a small amount) causes an upset stomach, nausea, or gas, it could also be due to a complication in the liver. People with fatty liver disease often go to the doctor thinking the problem is indigestion. When they do the exams, they realize that they are suffering from steatosis.

4. Fatigue

When the liver is not functioning properly, the metabolism slows down. It happens when an important organ has a problem. The body tries to protect itself from the situation and compensates for this lack by pumping less blood.

This particular case can lead to unexplained fatigue, difficulty concentrating, confusion, fatigue or loss of energy. In addition, the person may lose interest in the activities he was doing before and instead wants to spend hours and hours sleeping.

5. Dark urine

Through urine, we can detect certain diseases. Remember that this liquid carries toxins and wastes. Regarding the fluid development of fatty liver, it is darker than usual and this will not change throughout the day (it is normal that it is usually darker in the morning).

In this case the feces may also show changes. They may be whiter, or clay colored, and smell worse than usual.

6. Changes in the skin

fatty liver disease can involve a change in skin color

Jaundice is also one of the signs of fatty liver disease. It is the yellow coloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to the increased levels of bilirubin accumulated in the tissues. It can also appear from the destruction of erythrocytes or from a problem in the gallbladder.

Other changes in the skin due to fatty liver can also be: discolored neck and armpits, broken blood vessels on the face, reddened palms or spider veins in the back, chest or shoulders. White spots may appear under the fingernails.

Food and foie gras

Once fatty liver has been detected, the next step is to start appropriate treatment. In addition to medications prescribed by the doctor, it is essential to follow a low-fat diet and exercise. Here are some recommendations:

1. Reduce the intake of refined products

In this group we find flour and white sugars. Instead, opt for whole grains and whole-grain versions.

2. Follow a Mediterranean diet

It is one of the healthiest around because it is based on many foods that are low in fat and high in healthy fats, such as olive oil.

3. Avoid alcohol

It is one of the main enemies of the liver. Consuming excess alcoholic beverages can lead not only to steatosis, but also to cirrhosis.

4. Do not take certain medications

Check with your doctor to find out which medications may be harmful to your condition. most likely, your doctor will tell you to reduce your intake of pain relievers, estrogen and anti-inflammatory drugs as much as possible.

5. Play sports

Exercise is also a great ally for feeling better and maintaining healthy liver function. You can walk in a park, walk your dog, cycle or swim. Pick the discipline you like the most and repeat it at least three times a week.

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