How Do You Know If Your Child Is Using Drugs?

As parents, we need to learn to determine whether changes in our children’s behavior are in line with their development or in response to something else, like drug use, for example. Learn to recognize this behavior.

Drug use remains one of the main concerns of parents of the  the whole world and, unfortunately, the figures processed each year continue to be alarming. Therefore, it is normal for you to wonder how to know if your child is using drugs?

Parents of young people with some type of addiction say it  is not easy to recognize the problem early , because the signs are not clear. Today we are presenting to you some of the possible signs that may indicate that your child is using drugs.

Unbridled adolescence and drugs


Adolescence is a time when young people feel rebellious and daring. At the organic, physiological, psychological and social level, they  go through all kinds of changes that can be difficult to manage . Due to this and other factors, they may be more vulnerable to vices.

To find out if your child is using drugs, he  it will be essential that you pay attention to certain signs  and, if possible, do not rush. There are a few questions to consider before drawing any conclusions.

  • Adolescence is a time of rebellion during which the young person may behave in unusual ways and not use any type of drug. 
  • Young people between the ages of 11 and 21 age  often have a distorted perception of risk . This explains why it is possible that they tend to assume behaviors that, later, they will end up regretting.

The  National Institute on Drug Abuse  in the United States identifies  5 factors that invite teens to enter the world of drugs:

  • Join a group , try to stay “on the same wavelength” as the friends .
  • Feel good . Drugs produce feelings of pleasure in the brain.
  • To feel better . Adolescence is linked to periods of depression and stress, which are relieved by medication.
  • Better compete . Certain stimulants can give them the impression of doing better socially, in sports and even academic activities.
  • Experiment . Adolescents are looking for new sensations, especially if they involve certain risks.

And if, in addition, there is not a healthy family channel of communication to openly talk about all kinds of issues, it may be more difficult to act in time and save the young person from this terrible scourge.

Drugs: an underestimated enemy

Lots of teens and parents consider drug use to be a passing practice of little importance. However,  minimizing the risks may backfire on you in the future . No parent should “normalize” the fact that a young person uses drugs, even occasionally.

On the other hand, considering that a child is free from experiences leading to drug use is also an attitude that can be harmful in the future.

It is essential to properly inform young people  and to reflect with them on the consequences of experimental drug use.

For their part, the  parents should also try to stay knowledgeable and open to  dialogue . They should also avoid “forbidding” their children from drugs “just because”. The more numerous and better prepared the two parties are, the less risk there will be.

Now, if you suspect that your child is using drugs, the first thing to do is to   determine whether or not the irreverent attitudes of the young person are due to hormonal changes typical of their age.

It is essential to look a little beyond the difficult stage he is in and to check if the strange behavior results from drug use, before drawing any conclusions.

Behaviors to consider when detecting drug use

The most common thing when a young person uses drugs is trying to hide it. This way their behavior can look a little different.  He is therefore essential to pay attention to their behavior  and, in particular, to the changes that may occur there.

However,  if you don’t have proof, you better avoid confrontation . Instead, try to reach out in a friendly manner to find out what’s going on. You can foster a violent situation if you complain and start blaming him.

1. Pay attention to smells

Cigarette smoke is the vehicle for toxic substances produced by combustion.

It is true that if someone smokes a  cigarette at next to you, your clothes may have a bad smell. So even if you haven’t smoked, your clothes can smell of tobacco. However, if  the smell is very penetrating and persists in clothing over time  , it is then necessary to speak with the young person to find out what is happening.

On the other hand, you  must be aware of the use of personal hygiene products . It is indeed one strategies that consumers typically use to avoid being discovered. They regularly apply cologne, chew gum and wash their hands excessively, to avoid smelling what they consume, whether it is tobacco, marijuana or any other substance.

2. Eye health

The eyes are very clear indicators of addiction. Each drug has different effects. For example, cannabis causes redness of the eyes and drowsiness. Conversely, cocaine and ecstasy cause the pupils to dilate, causing the eyes to be wide open and rounded.

3. Excessive irritability


Children are irritable and   aggressive , especially when they have not used, because the body asks them for drugs. They feel lonely and tend to distance themselves from their parents, because this way they can consume without having to explain.

4. They take medicine from your medicine cabinet

When they start using drugs, they often experiment with several products, because it is “just a test”. The family medicine cabinet is often a source of free drugs for them.

Diazepam or cough syrups are the most recommended products by those who have tried them and are trying to train others. So if some of the drugs are missing from your house, it’s time to have a conversation.

5. They become irresponsible

One of the most devastating effects of addiction is the bad habit of giving up everything and not having any activity.

The young consumer leaves aside his studies and all that requires a commitment. He has poor academic results and refrains from doing activities that previously pleased him.

General evaluation


The changes in the behavior of a teenager who uses drugs are so obvious to parents who know them that they will become suspicious within minutes.

However, it is important to keep in mind that depending on whether the type of drug is stimulating or relaxing,  a person can exhibit different behaviors and signs.

Consequently, he should be well informed about the characteristics of each of them  and their manifestations. 

If you consider that you have confirmed the suspicion that your child is using drugs,  seek professional help . This allows you to deal with the problem in the most efficient way possible.

The important thing is to be vigilant , to be very aware of your children, to know what they are doing, where they are going, who their friends are, with whom they relate.

Finally, remember that the  maintaining a good  communication  and a good relationship with your children is an essential basis  to maintain a healthy family environment and prevent problems such as the development of drug addiction.

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