8 Misconceptions About Tobacco That Endanger The Health Of The Consumer

Even if it is in its light version or at the rate of a few cigarettes a day, tobacco is very harmful to health and its negative effects take time to disappear from the body.

Bad habits and false beliefs about smoking keep people from quitting. In fact, tobacco use continues to be one of the most common bad habits among people.

Most worrying is that thousands of smokers are trying to justify their addiction.  They claim to minimize the problems it causes them or ignore the dangerousness for the tissues and cells of the body, its components.

It is therefore fundamental to explain certain misconceptions about tobacco consumption and thus avoid any confusion. Discover them!

8 false beliefs about tobacco

The World Health Organization (WHO) says this is one of the main threats to public health and suggests that more than half of users die from tobacco-related illnesses.

However, despite the multiple warnings about its impact on the body, people continue to consume it. That’s why, below, we present the 8 most common false beliefs about tobacco that keep people from quitting this bad habit.

1. Smoking is relaxing

person smoking a cigarette

It is one of the most common misconceptions about tobacco. Smokers themselves are often convinced of this.

Thousands of people have become addicted to cigarettes because they believe it is an effective method of channeling the effects of anxiety and stress.

In addition, those who already use it excessively choose not to quit because they believe that it will be useless to fight against the stress of stopping smoking.

It is certain that, far from relaxing the body, various studies show its toxins affect the nervous system and trigger sudden mood changes. While smoking does generate a false sense of relief at the time, over time it causes these unwanted reactions.

2. Some cigarettes don’t hurt

Smoking a few cigarettes a day also involves significant health damage, although they are not as aggressive as if you smoke them in large quantities.

Too much tobacco alarmingly increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Smoking moderately is nevertheless linked to the development of cardiovascular disease, according to a study in the journal Circulation .

3. Tobacco is not dangerous if you are in good health

smoking woman

Pay close attention! This myth indeed led many consumers to think that they could smoke without suffering from the dangerous effects of the toxins of cigarettes. People who enjoy good health  very quickly reduce their quality of life by incorporating tobacco into their habits.

4. Light smoking does less damage

The famous light cigarettes contain less concentrations of nicotine and tar. This does not mean, however, that they do not contain any.

This variety of tobacco is still an enemy to health. Its smoke and toxins indeed affect respiratory health, as a study by the Spanish National Cancer Institute claims.

5. Exercise removes toxins from tobacco

It is believed that some tobacco toxins are excreted through the sweat produced during exercise. However, the idea that it is possible to sweat “toxins” is a myth.

The function of sweat is to regulate body temperature ; other parts of the body, such as the kidneys or the liver, are responsible for removing harmful substances.

However, as a study published in the journal Environment International says , it is true that, although it is not its task, a minimal amount of toxins can be secreted through sweat. But this figure is so small that it is irrelevant.

This is why the idea that physical exercise eliminates toxic substances in tobacco is only a myth. On the contrary, if you smoke and play sports, over time tobacco will reduce your sports performance, which will make you tire faster and breathe less.

6. It is impossible to quit smoking

Nothing is less sure ! While we can’t deny the existence of abstinence syndrome, we are confident that we can quit smoking.

People with addictions have to overcome a series of symptoms, such as nervousness and anxiety, as the brain craves the dose of nicotine it is used to.

Even so, with the right support and guidance, we can gradually stop this habit, until it is no longer needed.

7. “If the damage is already there… why stop?”

cigarettes in lungs

It is never too late to quit smoking, even though we have been smoking several cigarettes a day for several years. Anyone with the will to do so can experience many positive changes the moment the person makes the decision:

  • The risk of suffering from cancer and lung disease decreases.
  • Blood circulation improves.
  • The heart begins to function better.
  • Blood pressure is restored.
  • The skin begins to come back to life.
  • We usually manage to maintain an incredible feeling of well-being.

8. “You have to die of something”

This is perhaps one of the phrases smokers repeat the most to justify their addiction. However… would you be prepared to endure the effects of chronic illness?

It is very important to imagine this sort of thing, because the people who say this in general are people who have not yet suffered from the symptoms that tobacco causes on their health.

Stay away from false beliefs about tobacco

Do you smoke or have you thought about starting it? If so and you’ve said any of these things to yourself, it’s best to avoid smoking as much as possible so as not to reduce your quality of life over time.

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