3 Fatal Mistakes After Breaking Up

Although he-she has been a part of our life, after the break-up we can’t pretend to have the same relationship with our ex-partner. Otherwise it will be impossible to turn the page.

We all make a lot of mistakes that we absolutely need to learn from. Unfortunately, there are some, very negative ones that we are not even aware of when a relationship ends. This is the case with errors after a break.

Some mistakes are inevitable. Emotions always play tricks on us. But it also depends a lot on the circumstances in which the relationship ended.

Because it is not the same thing to end a relationship where the love is no longer there and the passion is permanently extinguished. And a relationship where the decision was made following an infidelity or following a very painful disappointment.

Today we are going to discover 3 mistakes after a breakup. Familiarizing yourself with them and thinking about them will allow us not to commit them again and to see this distressing situation from a new perspective.

Error after a break-up 1: you are not able to turn the page

mistakes that should not be made after a breakup

One of the biggest mistakes you can make after a breakup is still seeing your ex as someone important and still present in your life.

It is difficult to detach yourself from someone with whom you have shared experiences and maybe even several years of your life. You’ve gotten used to his presence and both of you have adopted certain routines. Now that she’s gone, you feel like you’re on a tightrope.

However, the faster you turn the page, the better. You have to accept that the relationship is over. That there is no turning back and your life will go on. You still have so much to experience!

Staying anchored in the past will make you suffer in vain and prevent you from continuing to enjoy life. So, knowing this, how can you act to change this situation?

  • Now you have some time for yourself, so make the most of it. Do anything that you couldn’t do with your partner. Look for new hobbies. Spend more time with your friends and family.
  • Adopt new habits like going for an early morning walk or jog. Maybe have a coffee alone in the bistro you loved so much, while reading the newspaper… It doesn’t matter!
  • Think of yourself, take care of yourself, and too bad for the rest! It is a mistake to believe that your ex-partner will always look out for you. Why not start taking care of yourself? Surely you forgot yourself a bit when you were dating this person.

Mistake After Breakup 2: You’re Still Expecting Something From Your Ex-Partner

woman reading

When a relationship ends, you may not realize it, but you still expect something from your ex-partner. This is one of the common mistakes after a breakup.

A little proof that your ex really loved you when he was with you. Whether he intends to keep in touch or still cares about you.

It is nothing more than the great fear that you have of permanently breaking this bond which no longer exists. The big mistake of expecting something from someone is that you don’t give them the time they need to grieve.

You keep talking to him, you share your feelings with him. And, without realizing it, you overwhelm your ex, you make him angry.

You clearly need to confide in someone who understands you. However, you both need to be alone, in order to be able to move forward on your own.

Remember that your ex may not want to listen to you. Ask yourself, “What if he did the same, wouldn’t that bother me?”

Keep all of this in mind, because perhaps your desire to wait for something is the result of sadness that this relationship has ended.

Mistake 3: Your ex is the main topic of your conversations

Another big mistake at the end of a relationship is to keep making your ex the main topic of all your conversations.

Of course, you need to let off steam and talk about it. But repeat a thousand and once what others already know? Complain over and over again about what cannot be fixed?

On the contrary, it keeps you from getting over the breakup, while always keeping someone in mind who is no longer a part of your life. In any case, not from your life as a couple.

Another way to keep your ex-partner present is to hold on to anything that reminds you of him – her. A serious mistake which can only make your pain last.

Did you make any of these mistakes at the end of a relationship?   We must try not to fall into it to reduce the time of mourning the separation.

Stop holding on to something that is finished. It only hurts you.

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