Improving Transit Through Flax Seeds

We need to get used to consuming flaxseed, and not just thinking about it in an emergency, to avoid disease, and to ensure that our body is functioning properly.

Constipation largely depends on the amount of fiber we eat. Thanks to the mucilages, you will be able to improve intestinal transit.

You should know that there are different factors that affect how easy it is to pass stool. Travel, jet lag, stress, daily changes are all events that can affect transit.

But there are easy, natural ways to improve your bowel movement. Means that prevent the body from suffering damage caused by artificial laxatives.

The secret of flax seeds is that they contain large amounts of mucilages which are none other than soluble fiber. On contact with water, these seeds release the famous mucilages. These cause the surrounding liquids to thicken.

The use of flax seeds in the treatment of constipation

Here is the best way to improve transit with flax seeds. Soak a large amount in a glass of water overnight. Then drink it on an empty stomach – seeds included – the next day.

If this practice turns out to be too unpleasant for you. Because of the dense and viscous texture that the water has taken on. We advise you to filter the seeds and mix them with milk, fruit juice, yogurt, even a salad which will make their ingestion more pleasant.

This maceration is very beneficial. Since it allows the release of mucilages in the aqueous environment of the intestine.

Improve intestinal transit

How do mucilages work?

The mucilages produce a kind of paste which allows the stool to be released by facilitating their passage through the intestine. This evacuation process is what sets flax seeds apart from other types of laxatives.

The latter, by accustoming the body to artificial evacuation, generate an addiction. And it prevents going to the toilet in a natural way.

The soluble fibers of flax seeds are able to assimilate toxins from the body in order to evacuate them with the stool well before they are absorbed by the intestine. 

These seeds have other components that are beneficial to health. For example, alpha-linolenic acid can be used. It is a fatty acid from the omega-3 family, which helps reduce bad cholesterol.

A final benefit is that flax seeds contain anti-inflammatory substances luteolin and oleic acid.

Flax seeds against cancer

Flax seeds and its many properties also help prevent certain cancers. Especially colon cancer and breast cancer.

Thus, their regular consumption helps to cure any type of inflammatory disease. This thanks to the high content of fatty vegetable oils and omega-3 which characterizes them. The proper functioning of the digestive, urinary and respiratory systems is also favored by their ingestion.

Improve transit thanks to the fibers of flax seeds

Finally, we can affirm that flax seeds are one of the products with the most curative and preventive properties against many types of diseases. This, provided you consume them regularly, and not just in an emergency.

Remember that the different parts of the body work in harmony. Each of them must be in optimal condition so as not to compromise vital functions.

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