10 Personal Items You Should Never Lend

Even though it sounds harmless, sharing your towel with other people can spread moisture-related infections.

Many people have no problem lending their personal hygiene products with friends, relatives or people they trust.

At first glance, this may not seem to matter much, yet it is an obvious way of transmitting infections and diseases.

Some people don’t even know what these items are and why they should be used for personal use only.

This is why in this article, we are going to list the items that should never be lent even in an emergency.

1. Soap

Although some soaps are anti-bacterial, they tend to be coated with microorganisms that can be harmless or cause disease.

It is even more risky if the product is stored in a humid place, as this creates an ideal environment for the proliferation of viruses, bacteria and fungi. 

2. Towels

Towels for wiping your body are among the items that should not be lent to anyone.

Since they are often humid, they become places of growth for germs, especially if they are kept in the bathroom.

When not washed regularly, towels can become hotbeds of infections such as yeast infection, acne or conjunctivitis.

3. Deodorant

Spray or cream deodorant applied with the fingers can be lent to other people.

On the other hand, if it is roll-on deodorants, it is better to avoid exchanging it with someone because they can transmit bacteria and bad odors in the armpits.

4. The toothbrush

Toothbrushes are very inexpensive and you have no excuse – don’t lend them to your spouse or best friend!

This object harbors many oral bacteria in its hairs and must therefore be for personal use.

In addition, it is important to disinfect and change your toothbrush regularly even if these bacteria are harmless. Because they can sometimes be the cause of the flu, colds and other common types of infections.

5. Tweezers

Tweezers are beauty accessories that are used to style the eyelids or remove unwanted hair from different areas of the body.

Even if it is not dangerous to lend them if they are clean and disinfected, it is not recommended to do so because they can sometimes transmit bacteria, viruses or even diseases transmitted by blood.

6. Labello or lip products

The labello and other beauty products for the lips should be exclusive use. Having direct contact with the skin makes it easier for bacteria and microorganisms to spread.

For example, loaning these products greatly increases the risk of suffering from herpes because of the ease of transmission of this virus.

7. The razor

Razors shave off dead skin cells, as well as bacteria that can be harmful.

Sharing your razor can be quite dangerous because cutting yourself can lead to blood-borne diseases like hepatitis and HIV.

8. Hats or caps

Hats and caps often absorb the moisture produced when you sweat your head.

This environment is ideal for the proliferation of bacteria and fungal infections. Which sooner or later can generate dandruff or alterations on the scalp.

9. Do not lend earrings

Earrings are essential accessories for women. However, few of them know that they need to be disinfected regularly. Because they can generate infections due to the accumulation of bacteria.

To do this, it is best to avoid sharing them with friends as much as possible. If you have no choice, apply a disinfectant before using them.

10. Make-up

It is very common to see that between friends or family, we lend makeup products. Like powder, black pencils and lipsticks.

Although it does not appear to be dangerous, contact with different skin types causes these objects to become a means of transmission of bacteria, fungi and disease.

Do you share some of these products? If so, be careful from now on.

Even if it seems to be a bit selfish, it is better to say no on time and not suffer bad consequences.

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