7 Things You Should Never Put Up With In Your Relationship

It is fundamental to learn to identify these toxic behaviors early in the relationship and not let them go because they can become a problem. constant and destroy us psychologically.

When we make the decision to pair up, we are looking to build an experience full of emotions and happiness.

The attraction and tenderness that we have for this person encourages us to be better  and over time it allows us to feel that a part of us is fulfilled.

But, we know that at some point we have to face difficult situations that can strengthen the bond and determine if we really want to continue the relationship.

Even if the ups and downs are normal, it is important to know how to identify certain behaviors and bad actions that should not be tolerated under any circumstances.

The famous “emotional predators” are everywhere and unfortunately we often fall into their game until we reach catastrophic situations.

That’s why we want to dedicate this article to these 7 things that you should never accept in a relationship if you don’t want to end up damaged.

Discover them!

1. Control

When we accept a relationship, we want to share our life with that person, but we do not accept that the other takes possession of us.

  • If you allow the other person to tell you what to do and what not to do, for example in choosing clothes or friends, they will think, over time, that they will have full control over your decisions.
  • Pursuing this type of relationship can destroy your self-esteem and the freedom you have to develop your own personality.

2. Aggression

Warning ! Male or female, aggressive behaviors, physical or emotional must be completely rejected regardless of the circumstances in which they arise.

  • Verbal attacks, shoving and in the worst case, beating, are enough reasons to decide that this person should not be part of your life anymore.
  • If someone attacks your integrity because they don’t like certain things in your life, or because they believe they will solve problems that way, things can get worse quickly.

These spouses are quite manipulative and since they know your weaknesses, they will look for a way to convince you so that you stay with them.

3. Lack of confidence

One of the main qualities of any relationship is trust.

This ingredient makes both people feel secure in the mate they have by their side and even though they may not be together, it lets them know that they are there for each other.

  • The absence of this quality, whether in both or one of the two spouses, inevitably leads to asphyxiating jealousy and recurring arguments. 

4. Emotional blackmail

People who tend to manipulate their spouse usually analyze thoroughly and later blackmail them using them.

In general, they seek to construct a concept of toxic love, in which all of their actions and behaviors are valid because “they love you”.

  • It is very important to resist blackmail because any display of fragility will make them feel that they are in control.

5. The physical mockery

Teasing in the relationship.

We all have physical defects which, in a certain way, give us complexes and alter our self-confidence, both in relationships as a couple and in the social environment.

However, when we share our life with someone, we want them to help us minimize what we don’t like, while also boosting our self-esteem and self-confidence.

  • If a spouse makes fun of your body, puts pressure on you because of your weight, or seeks to destroy you by emphasizing your flaws, quit.
  • Don’t feel obligated to “respect” beauty stereotypes, let alone please others.

6. The lies

Lies are among the worst enemies of a relationship, not only because they affect trust, but also because they turn into a tool of manipulation.

While a ridiculous lie can sometimes seem harmless, turning it into a philosophy of life can completely destroy the relationship.

Lies are often interpreted as infidelity and when they are recurring they are triggers that show the person is not who they say they are.

7. Contempt in your relationship

Contempt in the couple relationship.

As sad as it sounds, there are some people who give their all to make their spouse happy and in return receive contempt and humiliation.

If your spouse isn’t showcasing your characteristics, tries to belittle you, or tries to make fun of you in front of others, you better leave him as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you let him engage in this type of behavior that makes him feel like he’s superior as well as the right to attack you whenever he wants.

Have you identified any of these behaviors in your spouse? Warning ! Do not allow this situation to take advantage, as you might regret it.

Your relationship must be respectful and must provide you with all the necessary components to feel happiness.

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