Eliminate Ticks And Fleas Naturally

To avoid irritating your pet’s skin, and to effectively kill ticks, prepare an infusion of chamomile, then apply it. it with a cotton ball on the area to be treated.

Having dogs and cats in the house often brings unwanted visitors. These do not only affect our pets but also humans. Discover in this article the best natural remedies to eliminate ticks and fleas.

In addition, these parasites can cause disease in animals and people. This is why it is necessary to prevent proliferation in your home.

Home remedies and techniques to remove ticks

If your dog has a tick, that horrible animal with many legs that clings to the skin and feeds on its blood, you can remove ticks with a natural method.

Ticks are used to lodge behind the ears. But also around the anus or in the neck, where the hair and hairs cover them and where the dog will not bother them.

Each time your pet comes back from the outside, it is necessary to check that no ticks have come to cling. Also do this if you see that he is constantly scratching himself. Or else he tries to do it in the areas we talked about above.

Technique with alcohol and oil

Make a mixture of two products: white alcohol (antiseptic which removes the parasite from the skin) and oil (to provide smoothness). Put this in a cloth or gauze and run it over the tick several times, until it unhooks on its own.

You can also let the cotton press on the tick so that it unhooks from the skin when it wants to breathe.

remove ticks and fleas from pets

Chamomile remedy

One of the most effective home remedies for removing ticks is chamomile. Prepare an infusion with a few flowers of this plant, or put a sachet in a cup. Then let cool, soak a cotton ball and apply it to the dog’s skin, especially on critical areas.

The parasites will start to “run away” from the animal. Then, disinfect the house well so as not to keep traces of these damn ticks.

Remedies with citrus fruits

A good homemade repellant can be made using any citrus you have on hand. Like orange, lemon, tangerine or grapefruit. The first two are the most recommended.

Boil half a liter of water and add the citrus fruits cut into slices. When the mixture boils, let it boil for one minute then lower the heat to minimum, which you will leave for an hour (be careful that the water does not evaporate).

Let cool and pour everything into a sprayer. Apply the mixture to the dog’s coat. Be careful not to get it in his eyes. With this preparation you can also disinfect your home, especially floors and corners.

Home remedies and techniques to eliminate fleas

Fleas can be thought of as lice in humans. The problem with these parasites is that they don’t just affect pets. But they also bite humans and can transmit diseases. One of them can be fatal in felines.

Mint infusion

To remove fleas, you can make a pennyroyal infusion. Once cool, pour it into a sprayer. Spread the infusion on the dog’s coat without rinsing.

To prevent fleas from appearing, add small amounts of yeast or garlic to your pet’s diet so that the odor emanating from the garlic will deter fleas from sticking on it.

remove ticks from pets

Apple cider vinegar remedies

Apple cider vinegar is very good at eliminating ticks and fleas. Mix two equal doses of vinegar and water, soak a cotton ball or a clean cloth, drain well and moisten the dog’s skin. You can substitute it for the last rinse of the dog, after the bath.

If the parasites have caused sores or wounds on the dog or cat’s skin, you can remove the ticks with calendula cream (healing), aloe vera gel or cream (moisturizer) and lavender oil (protective).

Here is another apple cider vinegar remedy. Boil three cups of water. In a separate container, mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with a spoonful of vodka.

Add two drops of lavender essential oil, two drops of eucalyptus essential oil. You can optionally add two drops of opoponax essential oil. Then, a drop of cedar, geranium, rosemary, marjoram and lemongrass oil.

Then pour in two drops of lemon juice and a cup of dehydrated mint. Mix well and pour boiling water over it.

Wait for the preparation to cool, drain and put it in a bottle or sprayer. Then moisten the dog as well as the whole house (furniture, floors and walls).

Shampoo with alcohol and liquid detergent

Mix two cups of hot water, ¼ cup of alcohol and 6 drops of liquid detergent. With this homemade shampoo, wash the dog well until a very thick foam appears. Then rinse well.

  Salt to kill ticks and fleas

You can also kill fleas (and ticks) by putting salt on carpets, floors, and in your pets’ baskets. This will dehydrate them and kill them quickly.

To speed up the process, also try putting containers with water and 10 drops of liquid detergent in it. If they jump in to cool off, they won’t be able to get out because of the oily aspect of the mixture.

To prevent dogs from poisoning, your best bet is to put on this home remedy for fleas when you go out for a walk or when you go on vacation. Thus, the parasites will have no animals to cling to.

Pay attention to animal feed

As a final tip, don’t neglect the feeding of pets. So that they have a strong immunological system and that they can thus defend themselves against the parasites which make them sick or which cause anemia, weakening, fatigue etc. sucking their blood.

Include ingredients in their diet that contain selenium, zinc and group B vitamins.

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