4 Medicinal Uses Of Eggplant Water You Didn’t Know About

If you want to lose weight and reduce your belly fat, you can combine a balanced diet and exercise routine. physical exercises, eggplant water consumption.

Eggplant is a special vegetable and not only for its culinary versatility. It also has a strong medicinal power which draws its source from its formidable concentration of nutrients. This is also the case with eggplant water.

Surprisingly, in ancient times eggplant was not eaten. Thus, our ancestors thought that it was poisonous, because of its characteristic color.

However, as humanity evolved, many civilizations began to cultivate and consume it.

They were able to discover that the eggplant was not poisonous. It was thus very beneficial for health. Its culture therefore began to spread to the four corners of the planet.

The uses of eggplant are not limited to cooking recipes only. Thanks to its high content of chlorogenic acid, a powerful antioxidant, it seems that this vegetable can help control high cholesterol levels. But also to fight against the action of free radicals. It can finally promote weight loss.

Many people do not know the benefits of eggplant water for their health.

It is for this reason that in this article we are going to share with you all the medicinal benefits of eggplant water that you can benefit from if you consume it regularly.

Lower your cholesterol level

eggplant water and effect on cholesterol

One of the biggest risk factors for cardiovascular problems today is high cholesterol.

Even if it is necessary to place yourself under the supervision of a doctor to fight against this phenomenon, there are natural alternatives that can reduce cholesterol levels, such as the consumption of eggplant water.

The main benefit of this drink is due to its content of chlorogenic acid, an active compound that facilitates the elimination of toxic lipids.

Eggplant also contains flavonoids, which are very helpful in preventing various heart problems related to high cholesterol.

Fight rheumatism

The chlorogenic acid contained in eggplant also has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic action, which helps to treat different diseases, such as rheumatism and arthritis.

People who suffer from these conditions can drink eggplant water every day. It is a great habit to improve your quality of life.

Eliminate water retention

Eggplant water is the favorite drink of people who want to lose weight, thanks to its powerful diuretic action, which eliminates the fluids retained in the body.  It is therefore a great way to refine your figure.

Reduce abdominal fat

reduce abdominal fat

It may sound incredible, but it is one of the most important benefits of eggplant water. For a few years now, the powers of this drink to burn fat, to slim down and to have a more refined silhouette have been highlighted.

This benefit is explained in particular by the strong diuretic and purifying power of eggplant water, which helps eliminate waste from the body that prevent many people from losing weight.

In addition, it helps keep the liver and gallbladder in excellent working order. These two organs play an important role in the activation of our metabolism.

People who want to lose belly fat more easily can boost their diet, as well as their exercise routine, by consuming eggplant water daily.

How to prepare eggplant water?


The preparation of this medicinal drink is very simple and requires very little time.


  • 1 medium eggplant
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of half a lemon


  • Wash the eggplant well and cut it into small pieces. Boil a liter of water, then when it comes to the boil, add the pieces of eggplant.
  • Let everything cook over low heat for 25 minutes, until the vegetable pieces are soft. When everything is ready, remove from the heat and let stand for at least an hour.
  • After this time, filter the liquid obtained well and reserve the pieces of eggplant.
  • Pour the water into an opaque bottle, add the juice of half a lemon and shake well so that everything mixes properly.

Note: The liquid that results from cooking eggplants can be a bit bitter, and may have a somewhat unpleasant flavor.

To avoid this, before boiling the eggplants, you can drain them with a little coarse salt in a colander.

After a few hours, the eggplants will release a dark liquid, responsible for their bitter flavor.

Once this is done, you must wash the eggplants again to remove any leftover salt before cooking them. Then you can follow all the previously indicated steps.

How to consume eggplant water?

The liter of eggplant water should be consumed several times during your day. Drink a first glass on an empty stomach, a second at lunchtime, then a third in the middle of the afternoon, and finally a last after dinner.

Consume it for 7 days in a row, once or twice a month.

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