8 Things To Never Leave In Your Bathroom

There are a lot of items we use in the bathroom, and we think this is the best place to store them. But they can accumulate a lot of dangerous bacteria there because of the humidity.

The bathroom is the focal point of our morning routines. You might think that your hygienic habits are very good and that this room is perfectly clean and pure. While you are certainly right, you should take into account that bacteria and toxins grow quickly in this room of the house.

You may have always had the habit of keeping your toothbrush in your bathroom, but it’s not a good idea for your health.

That’s why we’re going to show you the 8 things you can’t keep in your bathroom. Take note of all our advice.

1. The toothbrush in the bathroom

If there’s one thing we all store in our bathrooms, it’s our toothbrush. This is obviously the most practical place to store it.

However, this habit carries significant risks, especially if you do not live alone.

Researchers at the University of Quinnipac (Connecticut, USA) found fecal matter in 60% of toothbrushes stored in shared bathrooms, regardless of where they were placed.

This means that even if you maintain your bathroom, you cannot prevent the growth of certain bacteria.

Also, keep in mind that the bathroom is a very humid room. This prevents the toothbrush from drying out properly between times it is used.

We recommend that you keep your toothbrush in your bedroom, or in a dry room in your house.

To prevent it from getting too dirty, we recommend that you use a small box to protect it. Some are complete while others only cover the part that is used for brushing the teeth.

2. Medication

Heat and humidity in the bathroom interfere with the effectiveness of medications. In some cases, they can lose all of their properties before their official expiration date.

To store your medicines properly, take the following tips into account:

  • Choose cool, dry places. Any drawer in your bedroom will do well. Conversely, avoid placing them in your kitchen, because it has the same humidity characteristics as the bathroom.
  • Keep your medicines in their original packaging. This will allow you to identify them properly and not go wrong when you need to take them. In addition, you will always have their expiry date handy.
  • Leave all the instructions for use of your medicines in your boxes. Store your medicines in a place out of the reach of children.

3. Razors

A humid atmosphere can quickly rust the steel blades that make up razors, sometimes even before you have had time to use them.

Only keep your shavers in your bathroom if they are still in their original packaging.

This advice is also valid for all products which contain metal and which can easily oxidize.

4. Make-up

Keeping makeup in your bathroom is a bad idea, because your products, which can sometimes be expensive, will deteriorate quickly and you will no longer be able to use them.

The heat and humidity will gradually degrade your eyeshadows, lipsticks, foundations and makeup bases.

In addition, some bacteria can settle there very easily and grow in no time.

The best thing you can do is store them in a cool, dry place, such as your bedroom.

We also recommend that you keep your nail polish in your refrigerator: this will prevent them from drying out or thickening too much.

5. Perfumes in the bathroom

Your favorite scents can turn rancid if you keep them in your bathroom for too long. High temperatures and water vapor can harm your fragrances.

Keep them in your room, in a drawer for example, or in any other place that does not undergo significant temperature changes.

6. Condoms

Do you have a piece of furniture in your bathroom and you think it’s the ideal place to keep your condoms discreetly? This is a huge mistake. The ideal place to keep them is your nightstand.

Exposure to heat and humidity can damage them very quickly, reducing their percentage of effectiveness.

7. Jewelry

Just like your razor blades, your jewelry can oxidize very quickly on contact with the humid air in your bathroom.

These objects are generally made of non-precious metals and have a poor resistance to humidity. Silver, on the other hand, can lose all its shine in no time.

The best thing to do is keep them in a small box. Normally they close well and contain separations, protected by chamois leather.

This limits the penetration of dust into the jewelry, to keep them in optimal condition.

8. Combs and brushes in the bathroom

toothbrush in a bathroom

Combs and hairbrushes that experience high humidity also tend to grow germs.

Even if you keep them in a drawer, that won’t be enough to protect them from the humid air in the bathroom.

The humidity in the air allows bacteria to grow and proliferate. It can even lead to mold growth on the combs. Instead, keep them in your bedroom.

As you can see, keeping a lot of things in the bathroom isn’t necessarily a good idea.

If you have any doubts about objects that we could not mention in this article, ask yourself the question of the development of bacteria and its potential consequences.

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