6 Ideas For Designing A Garden With Flowers

If you want to bring free space to life, do not hesitate to apply the following ideas to transform your garden into a unique place where it is good to be. loosen.

Here we invite you to discover great ideas for designing a garden with flowers. Thanks to these ideas, you can create a corner that is both pleasant and charming.

Thanks to their various shapes and colors, flowers are fantastic decorative elements. They bring a touch of elegance to a space.

Beyond their beauty, flowers have a unique aroma that will transport you to a place where peace and pleasure reign. Thanks to your sense of smell, you will feel complete tranquility.

After a long day at work, who doesn’t want to relax in such a place? What is more, you will enjoy decorating your garden with flowers and occupy your mind with a pleasant activity.

It is extremely important to disconnect from your daily responsibilities for a few moments. In addition, you will be physically active, since you will have to take care of the plants.

If you want to have a space full of flowers in your home, you don’t have to have an interior courtyard or a huge garden. The tips you will discover here will help you design corners that are rich in color and aroma.

Look for a space with enough light, and all you have to do is get your hands dirty!

1. Demarcate spaces with stones

garden with flowers and stones

Whether it is a patio or an interior courtyard covered with wood, grass or some other material, marking out flower locations with stones is always a good idea.

The two spaces will be clearly distinct. You can opt for the stones of your choice. Whether large or small, the rendering can only be pretty!

2. Use wheelbarrows

Whether they are made of wood or metal, placing wheelbarrows in the center of a garden with flowers of all colors is a great idea.

You will find wheelbarrows of different sizes. We advise you to opt for large wheelbarrows, as this will allow you to place more flowers in them and bring even more life and color to this new space.

3. Opt for wooden barrels

Creating a garden with flowers in a wooden barrel creates a nice contrast.

We advise you to combine different types of flowers in different colors with stones.

Let your imagination run wild… Think of small fountains, bridges, stone paths…

4. Arrange flower pots on steps

This idea is extremely original. If you find old wooden steps, you can attach these steps to a wall and place flowerpots on each step.

Play with colors and sizes. You can also hang a few branches using nails. It’s a simple idea but it gives a very nice rendering.

5. Use a tree trunk as a pot

If you can find a tree trunk that is large enough and has a hole, feel free to place it in the center or in a corner of your garden. You can enlarge the hole and change its shape using a saw.

Once it’s done, fill the hole with soil, then colorful flowers. The wood is very resistant to humidity. The contrast between the flowers and the greenery will create a magical atmosphere.

If you want to make the tree trunk even more special and make it last, first of all, apply a coat of varnish. The shine to the bark will create an even greater contrast between the flowers and the greenery. This trunk will attract all the attention.

6. Develop a vertical garden

vertical garden

Creating a vertical garden is an idea that is both innovative and original. It is a question here of dressing a wall with flowers and plants.

Several options are available to you.

  • Hang several plants on the wall on several levels. For this, you can, for example, hang glass bottles with a rustic rope and a nail. Plastic bottles or even wooden fruit and vegetable boxes as jars are two other very good ideas.
  • Use a climbing plant to cover the entire wall.

As you have seen for yourself, completely transforming a space with simple ideas is possible.

This activity will do you good and your pride!

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