Fresh Salad With Citrus Fruits, Dates And Almonds

By mixing citrus fruits, dates and almonds, it is possible to create a refreshing salad to enjoy as a snack or dinner. Discover the recipe without further ado!

Today we bring you a recipe for a fresh salad with citrus, dates and almonds that you can enjoy without remorse. Thanks to this delicious blend of ingredients,  this recipe is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as protein, omega 3, vitamins and minerals. Are you ready to cook?

How to prepare a fresh salad of citrus, dates and almonds?

The basis can be very varied. However, lettuce, endives or lamb’s lettuce are the best options. You can then add any vegetables you like. Tomato, carrots or beets are great choices. You will then be able to benefit from  all the benefits of beets for cardiovascular health,  as highlighted by a study published in Advances in Nutrition .

Let’s start with the main ingredients. Orange wedges are the best citrus for this salad. Still,  adding a squeeze of lemon juice to the dressing is a great idea. The dates bring a sweet touch and the almonds a crunchy texture. It is also possible to replace them with any other dry fruit.

On the other hand,  the olive oil in the dressing also provides omega 3 fatty acids.  In addition, we add a teaspoon of mustard and a dash of lemon juice to complete the sauce. All spiced up with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.

Green salad with citrus and dried fruits.

Preparation of the recipe

  • In a large bowl, pour the washed green salad and the vegetables you have chosen, cut into small pieces.
  • Then cut the dates in half, remove the pit and add them to the salad. Incorporate the whole orange quarters as well as the finely chopped almonds for a crunchy touch.
  • When everything is ready, prepare the vinaigrette. So pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil for a teaspoon of mustard and a lemon juice.
  • Finally add salt and pepper and pour the sauce over the salad 5 minutes before consuming it. It is essential to mix well in order to integrate all the flavors.

The benefits of citrus, date and almond salad

In addition to being a simple and easy dish to prepare, the fresh salad of citrus fruits, dates and almonds has multiple benefits for our health. First of all, as research published in the Chemistry Central Journal reports , it’s a recipe that helps fight inflammation, aging, and free radicals through the provision of antioxidants from citrus fruits.

In addition, it is an interesting source of omega 3,  essential for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. Regular intake of unsaturated fatty acids helps prevent atheromatous plaques in the arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

In addition, this dish does not neglect protein. Although they are of plant origin,  nuts and dried fruits are an excellent source of protein. If you are looking to maximize the intake of amino acids, you can add animal protein such as cream cheese or cheese cubes. However, this increases the caloric value of the recipe.

A great recipe for people who want to lose weight

A woman eating a salad smiling.

It is indeed a light dish with low caloric value. Dates are a source of simple carbohydrates, but  it is possible to reduce their quantity if the goal is to lose weight. The same goes for oil and mustard which are high energy density foods.

  • Two tablespoons of oil and a teaspoon of mustard  ensure that the dish does not exceed the allowable calories without compromising the flavors.
  • It’s a great recipe to complement meals. It can even be stored in a tupperware to eat outside the house.
  • It is not difficult to digest and it is quite possible to vary the vegetables.

Good conservation

Another positive aspect of this recipe is that it keeps very well in the cold. Covered with a transparent film and stored in the refrigerator, it can remain without problem for 2 or 3 days. However, it is best to season each serving individually so that the vegetables do not soften.

Do you want to try this recipe at home? As you can see, in addition to being delicious, it provides multiple health benefits. So don’t hesitate to include it in your meals! 

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