Neck Pain: Relieve It Naturally

To end neck pain and relax the area, it is desirable to combine the use of natural remedies with stretching exercises and relaxing exercises.

Neck pain, also referred to as “neck pain,” can appear in any part of the neck, including nerves and intervertebral discs.

This pain is usually accompanied by stiffness of the muscles, as well as nausea, headaches, and difficulty performing certain movements.

These pains are usually the consequence of poor posture, but they can also be associated with stress, certain injuries and excessive physical activity.

In some cases, the pain is mild and lasts a short time. In others, it is so severe that the person becomes unfit and fails to perform their daily tasks.

Moreover, it can also affect the nerve structures related to the arms, and the pain then spreads to the arms.

The good news is that neck pain can be controlled with natural remedies.

Some ingredients contain anti-inflammatory and analgesic components, which are effective in relieving pain.

Do you suffer from neck pain? Discover 5 ways to treat them.

1. Compresses soaked in nettle tea relieve neck pain

The compresses soaked in nettle tea relieve the neck.

Hot compresses soaked in  nettle tea  are a relaxing therapy that reduces the severity of neck pain.

This plant contains anti-inflammatory substances , which, once assimilated, relieve the stiffness of the muscles involved.


  • 2 tablespoons of dried nettle leaves (20 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water, and when it begins to boil, add the dried nettle leaves.
  • Then turn off the heat, and let sit for 10 minutes.
  • Pass the water through a sieve, then use the hot liquid.

How to use

  • Soak a towel in the herbal tea, and apply it as a compress to the affected area.

2. St. John’s Wort herbal tea

St. John’s Wort, also called St. John’s herb, is a plant made with pain relieving substances that relieve common pains such as those affecting the neck.

Its nutrients stimulate circulation and control inflammation by improving muscle oxygenation .


  • 1 tablespoon of St. John’s Wort (5 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)


  • Boil the water and, when the water is hot, add the St. John’s Wort.
  • Then let stand for 10 minutes, and filter through a sieve.

How to use

  • Drink herbal tea up to 2 times a day as a supplement to reduce blood pressure.

3. Massages with oils to relieve your necks

Massages with oils to relieve your neck.

Massaging the cervical area is a good way to relieve pain that blocks normal head movements.

These massages cause a pleasant feeling of heat in the muscle, which, by stimulating the circulation, relieves inflammation.


  • 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of lavender essential oil (15 g)


  • Mix the oils in a container until you get a homogeneous mixture.

How to use

  • Rub the mixture on the neck, then perform circular motions for 5-10 minutes.
  • Then be sure to use gentle movements, as the wrong movement can make the pain worse.
  • If you feel it is necessary, massage twice a day.

4. A treatment based on olive oil and Himalayan salt

This homemade mixture is an old remedy that relieves neck pain, especially when it is related to bad posture or stress.

The properties of this mixture activate the circulation of the affected area, and attenuate the inflammatory reaction causing  the muscle tension.


  • ½ cold pressed olive oil (100 g)
  • ¼ of Himalayan salt (37.5 g)


  • Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you get an oily and grainy paste.

How to use

  • Rub the treatment on the affected sore area, and massage gently for 3 minutes.
  • Then let it sit for 20 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat the operation until the pain is relieved.

5. Compresses soaked in dandelion herbal tea against neck pain

Compresses soaked in dandelion herbal tea against neck pain.

Dandelion is a popular herbal remedy for its ability to cleanse the liver.

In addition to this virtue, it should be known that this plant also has  an antispasmodic effect and a relaxing effect.

The application in compresses helps to reduce muscle stiffness and relieve neck pain.


  • 2 tablespoons of dandelion leaves (20 g)
  • 1 glass of water (250 ml)


  • Heat the water, and when it reaches its boiling point, add the dandelion leaves.
  • Then reduce the heat, and cook for 15 minutes.
  • Once the 15 minutes have passed, strain the herbal tea through a sieve, then use it as hot as possible.

How to use

  • Soak a towel with the herbal tea, and apply it to the sore area for 10 minutes.
  • Do it twice a day if you feel it is necessary.

Keep in mind that although these remedies alleviate the pain, it is necessary to supplement their action with exercises that relax the area.

Of course, it is also recommended to take a few hours of rest and avoid intense physical exertion.

  • WebMD. Boldo.
  • WebMD. Nettle.
  • WebMD. All about olive oil.
  • Medical News Today. Does pink Himalayan salt have any health benefits ?.
  • MedlinePlus. Espasmos o dolor cervical – cuidados personales.
    MedlinePlus. Cervical Dolor.

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