7 Ways To Exercise More Every Day Without Realizing It

Something as simple as walking while talking on the phone or texting friends can help you increase your physical activity without realizing it.

We need at least 30 minutes of sport a day to be in optimal condition. However, for many, the idea of ​​including it in our daily life is complicated or tedious. Is this also the case?

Fortunately, you only need to make small changes in your life to exercise more daily. Don’t you believe us? Keep reading this article. We will give you some tips to increase your physical activity without noticing it.

1. Get off the bus a few stops before

Do you spend several minutes a day on public transport to get to work? If your means of transport is the bus and you have to leave at rush hour, it is not uncommon to spend several minutes waiting for your transport to move, hardly at the mercy of traffic lights.

Take the opportunity to do more sport and avoid boredom. All you have to do is get off a few stops before your usual stop and walk to your destination. This way, you might even save time if the traffic is very heavy.

  • For a little more inspiration, you can accompany this little walk by listening to some music.

2. Choose the stairs

Have you noticed that most of the buildings you visit have more than one story? Are you someone who always chooses to take the elevator? If so, choose to be more physically active by going up the stairs, even if it’s only one floor.

At first it may cost you a bit because it is quite a strenuous exercise. The good news is, if you do it regularly, it tones your legs and improves your breathing.

  • At first, we recommend doing it slowly and without asking too much of yourself. And as you go, you will be able to increase the speed.

3. Use your bike sport

How long has it been since you rode a bike? If walking isn’t your thing because you don’t feel like going very far, try cycling rather than driving in order to exercise more.

If you think this is a dangerous mode of transportation, remember that wearing a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads reduces your risk. In addition, most modern cities prioritize road safety education to improve the safety of cyclists.

  • If you are still not convinced, know that cycling improves your motor skills and reduces stress and cholesterol.

4. Tidying up the house

Most of us hate housework, but it turns out to be a good source of physical activity. If you don’t want to walk or cycle, try mopping, sweeping, mowing your lawn, or tidying up cabinets.

Depending on the type of activity you choose to do, you will get one or the other benefit:

  • For example, if you choose to exercise more regularly while looking after your garden, you will get vitamin D if you do it during the day.
  • If you prefer to tidy up your cabinet and shelves, moving the boxes will improve joint health.

5. Play with the children

If you have children, little siblings or cousins, you know that they are always full of energy and that they never sit still. It is therefore not uncommon for them to fall or get scratches from time to time.

Playing with them will allow you to keep tabs on them, relax, and build strong relationships with them. But be careful, playing with them is not about playing video games or watching movies.

  • Preferably, try to choose activities that involve movement and energy expenditure.
  • The best options are to play ball or soccer, swim, run in the garden, etc.
  • Depending on their age, you may need to think of activities that appeal to them more.

6. Walk while you talk

Are you one of those people who is always glued to your cell phone screen? Don’t you think that it is possible to exchange messages with your friends and increase your physical activity at the same time?

Well it turns out it is possible. Receiving a phone call or spending hours chatting with your friends is a perfect opportunity to be physically active.

  • Instead of sitting on the sofa, walk around the room you are in. You just need to make sure that there are no objects for you to slide and fall.
  • You may be surprised to find that you have walked for more than thirty minutes without even realizing it.

7. Exercise while watching TV


Do you like to do marathons of your favorite series? Are you unable to miss an episode of the hottest series? Considering that each episode lasts about an hour, you have the perfect opportunity to see physical activity on a more regular basis.

Choose the option you prefer:

  • Do a stretching session
  • Ride a stationary bike
  • Running in place or doing small jumps
  • Do a series of sit-ups during the ad
  • If you are watching TV with someone else, you can challenge yourself to make it more entertaining.

As you can see, being active on a more regular basis can be fun and easy if you really put in a little bit of effort.

Include these activities in your daily routine and you may find that at the end of the day you have done a lot more than 30 minutes of exercise.

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