How To Make Your Own Fabric Bags For The Market

Protect the environment and your wallet by making your own fabric bags for the market. They are easy to make and perfect for refining your creativity, you will love them!

Making fabric bags for the market is a great way to protect the environment, save money and go out on the streets being fashionistas! As you will soon read, sewing your own bag is the perfect opportunity to personalize it with your style.

Sewing a fabric bag is not as difficult as you might think. All you need is a little skill, time, and patience. You will see that these bags will fit you perfectly, to such an extent that, when you have finished your work, you will want to make a second one. Let’s see how to do it right away!

How to make fabric bags step by step

eco-friendly fabric bags

Currently we have to pay for the bags at the supermarket and this change has led to a good reduction in the production of plastic. However, we suggest you go a step further and choose to make fabric bags, in order to avoid buying more plastic.

Necessary material

  • 2 cloth napkins, the color you prefer
  • 2 thick ribbons
  • Printed fabric for decoration (as much as you need)
  • A box
  • Some thread
  • A needle
  • A pair of scissors
  • Fabric chalk (fabric chalk)
  • A pencil
  • Pins
  • A sewing machine
  • Iron

The stages of fabric bags

The decoration

  • Cut out a 15 x 11 cm rectangle in the cardboard, or the figure of your choice.
  • Place the cardboard on the printed fabric and use chalk to mark the figure. This way you will do the decoration.
  • Calculate about two centimeters around the figure to make a hem and make the finish look nicer.
  • Iron the decoration, marking the hem well. This will make it easier for you to sew it.
  • Fix it on one of the napkins with pins, placing it where you want: in the center, in a corner …
  • Now you need to sew around the decoration with a sewing machine. Otherwise, you can do it by hand. But the final sewing step when making fabric bags must be done by machine to ensure their strength.

The bag

  • Once you have sewn the decoration, place the other napkin on top and secure it with pins. Remember that the decoration should be in the middle of the two napkins, as you will be sewing the inside of the bag.
  • Sew the three sides of the napkins together. Pay special attention to which side you have to leave open so that the decoration is straight.
  • In the lower corner of the bag, prepare a triangle and secure it with pins. Sew to form the base of the bag. Repeat in the other lower corner.
  • Hem the top of the bag (the one that’s open) and sew with the machine.


  • Now is the time to fix the handles. Cut a ribbon with a length of 30 centimeters (you can lengthen the handle, if desired, measure it and choose the length yourself) and do the same with the other.
  • Secure the handles to the top of the bag using pins.
  • Sew the handles together to form a rectangle and an “X” inside. This way you will give more stability and strength to the bag.

Some ideas for making original fabric bags

original fabric bags

Using the above guidelines, you can make fabric bags in different styles. Let your imagination run wild and soon you will have a lot of different models to go to the market.

  • You can use a white cloth and paint over it. You can even invite your children to help you. You don’t have to be a Picasso to make a cute fabric bag: cut a potato in the middle and dip it in fabric paint, then decorate it or just paint your hands of your children and paint the bag with their fingerprints.
  • Another option is to combine towels of different colors, printed fabrics or anything else you can imagine to achieve a very colorful and original style.
  • If you don’t want to paint a picture, why not write a sentence? To do this, you can use fabric markers. Easy and enjoyable!

As you can see, making fabric bags for the market is not as difficult as you might think. But remember to sew with a sewing machine to avoid accidents.

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